Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has solidified a groundbreaking alliance with the European Union (EU) centered on the digital landscape, marking a pivotal step in their combined efforts to introduce innovative digital credentials for Canadians and tackle the challenges of disinformation, while also fostering collaboration in artificial intelligence (AI).
The recent disclosure on November 24 unveiled the comprehensive framework of the Canada-EU Digital Partnership, designed not only to establish digital credentials for Canadians but also to reinforce collaboration in the realm of AI.
Numerous experts have cautioned about the potential perils of implementing a digital ID system, citing parallels with the authoritarianism witnessed in China under its communist regime’s social credit structure.
Reclaim the Net’s report highlights the delineation of terms within the Trudeau government’s announcement concerning the Canada-EU Digital Partnership. This initiative not only aims to introduce digital credentials for Canadians but also strives to bolster collaboration in the realm of AI.
This contentious partnership emphasizes a concerted effort between Canada and the EU to fortify their respective bilateral and multilateral cooperation within prominent forums such as the G7 and the G20.
The official anouncement asserts that the Digital Partnership will empower Canada and the EU to wield a more unified voice in multilateral forums, enabling them to present collectively formulated solutions to international partners and propel shared strategic objectives.
The G20, a formidable alliance comprising 19 major countries worldwide and the EU, has previously advocated for the exploration of “digital public infrastructure.” This exploration encompasses potential digital identification systems and potentially a centralized digital currency.
The term “digital public infrastructure” echoes the sentiments echoed by organizations like The Gates Foundation and the UN in their pursuit of digital ID and payment systems.
Trudeau’s steadfast commitment to this digital ID agenda has raised concerns among numerous Canadians advocating for the safeguarding of civil liberties.
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