It may be hard to believe, yes time travel. You can simply look at the time line and make choice points, you can make decisions that create the future, you can be looking at what is evident and maybe not so evident, take a look:
with a basic understanding from the economic nationalism point of view,
you can see it all in great detail.
The detail is Made in Canada, that is a big detail, larger than life, yet how many people talk about it only now? Who has been talking about Made in Canada for the last 30 years? The ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north, that is who. Altruism, Empathy, visionary, someone that cares, someone that knows the value of Made in Canada, long before the Trump Tariff Terrorist Threat, which we have already discussed, being disgusted with it.
Rally the Troops! We are Recruiting now! – He wasn’t always an ultra-nationalist, however he was and still is all about
Made in Canda Eh!
In that article entitled, A short speech for a couple of billion dollars…which was originally written nearly twenty years ago, simply looking at the situation about the real cost of all the “cheap stuff & junk” mostly made in China, and how expensive it really is. The lost jobs, enterprise, infrastructure, the future that was defrauded and stolen, how the government sold us out and how Canadians are much poorer because of it. Where are all the jobs?
However, not only being an ultra-nationalist, not complaining and only explaining, the future is wide open, by freedom of choice, the kind that takes action, and there is nobody in Canada who has done more to make investing in Made in Canada easier, more dynamic and more comprehensive, both general and specialized investing, enterprise specific and product specific.
Not only that, financial and non-financial investment, which includes physical assets and time. Personal involvement, which is considerable more than only investing money. Plus the added option of converting investment into something you can acquire, yes, custom build and acquire product, be part of the supply chain, the secure supply chain.
You can download an interesting brochure to the point : Capital Vault Incorporated – brochure
With that you can get started and being well on your way to private investing in Made in Canada, the ultimate infrastructure in Canada for private enterprise, and providentially goes way beyond that with something amazing:
Looking for “Dynamic Enterprise & Capital Solutions” this is it, an incredible range of options for people who are interested to start an enterprise or invest in one or more. Brilliant and visionary, practical and pro-active…and this was all done, far in advance of the recent “oh my God, what a disaster” economic policies and war, it was done in real time with the controlled demolition of Canadian industry by all the favourite traitors in government, too bad, the government attracts sociopaths, people with no economic sense whatsoever ever, even economist do not practice any shred of economic nationalism, and truly, next to nobody has been talking “Made in Canada” except recently.
Look at the timeline, free trade, secret NAFTA deals, CETA, TPP, more things that we don’t know about, and all unlimited dumping of made in China, currency war, economic war, industrial war, information war, endless cheap products and a government that does not for the most part care about Made in Canada. We have seen entire industries wiped out. Why? De-industrialization, depopulation, the war against the family, the war against the middle class, the war against la bourgeoisie, the war against enterprise and especially private enterprise made in Canada, the war against the entrepreneur, the war against the inventor and innovator, lots of genocide and war.
More destruction, textiles, automobiles, auto parts, shipping, defence technology, go back in time, the Avro Arrow, destruction of naval vessels production capacity, ship manufacturing, construction and mining equipment, road building equipment, aircraft, the railroad industry, locomotive and rail car production, tear out the tracks except to move Made in China on endless railcars, yes what genius. Yes, many people know about the railroad tracks torn up, in their lifetime, some people do not even remember or know that there was a railroad track there at all. And for what, why tear up the tracks? For the epic nation building project of ….walking trails, yes, the second largest country in the world, need prime walking trails, and places for 4wheelers, sleds and side by sides, ya, and zero trains. Endless crap automobiles, cheap metal, plastic and electronics, and no trains, amazing.
Yes that is all sad and tragic, however there is a way going forward, that is with Made in Canada. Lucky for us, Canada’s ultra-nationalist is dedicated to nation building, that is real nation state sovereignty. Simply looking at things fro a strategic, tactical and operational point of view is fine, however, we need to be a lot smarter, not only to make money and generate new wealth, it is essential to protect in with something a lot more dynamic we need to:
build on a solid foundation with CVIx Strategic Risk Management
Now all things considered, that is light years ahead of simple “Wealth Management” this is new wealth generation, in particular Made in Canada, totally different than all those “Wealth Management” and “Financial Managers” that usually export small town money to big city skyscrapers, where the money will never return to the people that need it most, small town enterprise and entrepreneurs, new ventures, the famous Private Equity & Venture Capital” except in this case, the enterprise is dedicated to the small business and entrepreneurs, who are not fed to the sharks of greed and control, not that route, they are en route to freedom, productivity and profitability, as well as building for the long term, which means prospectus, capital structure, securities, possible public stock exchange listing and more awesomely, private investment management and other exciting options. Read all about it at the CVIx Continuum. Amazing.
Many people who have been fused to their anti social social media have been clueless about the state of Made in Canada. Many people do not know for instance how Ontario vast the victim of an NDP government with Bob Rae, (aka Cohen) with his brilliant policies of industrial economic warfare caused the lost of 500,000 manufacturing jobs!!!!
Amazing, a one man army, talk about a double agent? Yes, then add up all the debt, from minus 48 billion to -98 billion all in 4 years, no that is massive destruction. No grief, no conscience, no I’m sorry, I feel your pain, zero apology, thanks.
What is mind boggling, is we have terrorist like Jagmeet Singh banned in about 17 or 18 countries, who is in words and actions appear or represent narcissistic and entitled character to be the prime minister. Well the NDP in federal or provincial political party form, are totally against the constitution, totally destructive, another level of economic industrial enterprise imbecilocracy, yessir that’s right, imbecilocracy. If law enforcement, the intel community and National Defence would do their job, we would not have that problem, would we?
What is weird in Canada, the Liberal Party was famous for mega projects, real nation building, real infrastructure, really awesome stuff to be proud about, Yes, let’s go back in time, Prime Minister Laurier you can read all about it at: – you will eventually get to this part, and yes it is essential to understand what we are dealing with:
…C.D. Howe, Mackenzie King, William Lyon Mackenzie King, O.D. Skelton, and the old guard of Laurier liberals of the 20s and 30s and 40s and 50s, who did represent that like authentic nation building. They wanted to really build up a true sovereign nation that could stand on its own two feet. They wanted that, they were not ideologically Malthusian.
See what happened, a coupon d’état in a political party, where the Liberal are not longer Liberals, they are Malthusian, more like globalists, anti nation state, plunder, oligarchy supremacy, treason, high treason, and recently the depopulation aka Kalergi UN genocide maniacs, Plandemic bio-terrorism and genocide, all on top of the industrial genocide and end of Made in Canada…oh wait, aha, Made in Canada, yes, what a bright idea, Save Canada, Defend Canda, the Prime Minister must be reading since nobody else is talking about it, hmmmm, weird.
Yes, Go Forward, Re-invent it, all things considered, really we need to build a new Canada, a new Made in Canada Continuum, like the Sovereign Continuum, with a focus on the more technical Product of Canada version , it has to be government proof, globalist proof, and yes, ultra-nationalist to the core. At the same time, reduced imports, yes protectionism, is one thing, we have to rebuild industries that was totally or almost totally wiped out.
Yes, certainly made in Canada is essential, how is it made in Canada, what is it exactly we are going to make? People will be in shock, since they have been hypnotized on cruise control how very little in the stores is actually Made in Canada!
What are you going to do about it? EH??
Revitalize, Redevelop and Rebuild the National Dream
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