Canadian Politics

Dear Government of Canada, Premiers, MPs and Citizens : Trump Tariff

OK, let’s not talk about politics, religion or economics, especially money and made in Canada…just kidding, can’t you take a joke?

Of course, let’s review the real issue and concerns of President Trump:

Let’s go back to the real issue, what started this mess to begin with, eh? After all, the comments and requests are simple enough, right?

First let’s get some cawfee and have some cawfee tawk…so we can tawk to Mr. President Trump….aahh, that’s more like it, ok let’s see…

President Trump claims USA is subsidizing Canada. Really, hmmm, ok let’s get rid of the exchange rate differential, you know the currency exchange value and advantage from the US dollar reserve currency….

You don’t like the prices of steel and aluminum? No problem, we can keep it, in fact, can easily use most of the Canadian aluminum production, after all, it is the most awesome endeavour in aerospace in Canada, right? And you thought Elon was a genius, you have no idea…we have big igloos here and there is a lot going on…

Joint ventures & co-development with aluminum in aerospace

Now you may believe this is un-related, however, yes, more aluminum for Bombardier, since Comeau Aerospace will probably not buy them out and most likely do some co-development, although the foreign US controlled Aerotek Union will have to go and Class A voting stock will be required no doubt…no wonder Bombardier and Comeau Aerospace Inc. don’t get along, the CEO’s are totally different…however, who knows the future, who can possibly roll the dice on that one? If only it were that simple…

Foreign controlled Unions

Now, in fact all US controlled Unions will have to be replaced with something more patriotic, we don’t really like unions, however, they can serve a useful purpose in workforce deployment on a large scale, isn’t that what a good human resource staffing department would do? There should only be one boss, no extortion, no strikes, no industrial enterprise genocide at the expense of the working class, nobody taking orders from some socialist agenda to destroy Canada.

Industrial Genocide of Canadian Manufacturing

Naturally, of course we will need to  include economic industrial nationalism, and protectionism, that is a good thing, no sense having zero government defending Canadian private or public enterprise by hostile, greedy and jealous foreign nation states who have been putting us out of business for the last 30 years or so, like how is that fair? No more double agents destroying our manufacturing base either, like Bob Rae aka Cohen, one of your kind of people, 500,000 manufacturing jobs in Ontario lost to America in 4 years, amazing…industrial economic  genocide and warfare at it’s finest…

Unions : good and evil

Along with the great purge, all government Union charters with allegiance to the socialist international, will have to be eliminated, rewritten and totally deleted, with no fake super imposed Canadian values. Union charters need to be aligned with real Canadian True Values, we are old fashioned, real Canadians, real values, we need to get rid of all that post modernism cultural marxist anti white genocide going on. We are not against making money, we like those solid quality, good paying family rated jobs and careers we read about, to be so lucky…

So now going forward, no more strikes and enterprise sabotage, industrial genocide, hammering the stock and economy to buy up companies at fire-sale prices or increasing market share with economic destruction at our expense, got it? Yes we know MAGA means combat, we can read, especially between the lines, backwards and upside down. Aren’t we lucky, no cryptic innuendo like Q postings here, no crazy mind bending encoded encrypted secret messages, not here, this is down to earth, right?

Steel and hyper inflation – resource warfare battlespace & what is going on?

What about the steel, want it for nothing, or simply want to put millions of Canadians and Americans out of work? Of course you do? You really do like hyper inflation, right? Hmmm hyper inflation anonymous, yes, required for anyone with government spending budgets. Ah however, you want steel and aluminum for the war machine, especially the illegal wars, proxy wars, you know, genociding entire populations and stealing all their resources, like Gaza, Ukraine and other places, kind of like the North Carolina microwave 5G and weather warfare lithium land grab for all the toxic batteries and electric cars ….and yes, “stop the steal” or rather “stop the steel” ok got it, no problems, full stop, let’s crash the economy and bankrupt industry, what a new idea…and since you like crashing the economy there are other things to crash also…

The untold truth about electric cars

yes electric cars, with super imposed regulations by the un-elected crazy makers of private corporations running the show, the anti-white de-industrialization scorched earth maniacs….WEF, climate control freaks who never talk about geo-engineering weather warfare, those guys, if you can call them guys, maybe something else more accurate, let’s see…will need to go to the dictionary on that one…need to sell some stock to buy these $20 words to talk proper….yes electric cars are remote destruct weapons on wheels, kind of like those pagers blowing up, after all, lithium batteries burn underwater, very difficult to put out the fires, create bio-hazardous EMF fields, with too many computers and distractions and also explode for remote assassination, excellent, a field day like in the movies, thanks….if internal combustion engine cars exploded and did that, it would be ” oh my GAWD, what a disaster, and that would be the end of that, but some twirp can blow up electric cars at any time and that’s ok…we will have open season on electric cars, especially those self driving ones, and look at Europe where everything is supposed to be recyclable, acres and acres of electric cars and how expensive are batteries, and there is more to consider…

Making toxic batteries obsolete – considerations for the citizen

All the investment in toxic and expensive battery plants in Canada and around the world, will be made obsolete by the super capacitor generator and electro-dynamic engine from the As-Garde Technology Continuum, sorry about your luck…imagine reducing vehicle weight by 3,000 pounds or more, less tire wear, less destructive mining, less toxic pollution with short and long term bio-hazard risks reduced to zero. Imagine, now it gets better,  zero pension and zero stock market investment either, talk about genius, if you want in, you will need to get into private investment management yourself with private securities, as the private enterprise nation state sovereign defence and advanced technology Made in Canada investment portfolio does not exist in the stock market and impossible to be bought up with fake money and foreign entities. So, what to do with all that hard currency and underperforming assets? You already know what to do right?

The stupidity of pension funds and erroneous misguided management

Pension funds and stock market do not really do that much at all in private enterprise, non union, certainly not in companies with working share owners and intellectual capital and property protection, advanced capital structure and nuke proof asset protection, isn’t that what people really need? And who cares about the pension funds anyway, they are busy investing outside of Canada in the enemy infrastructure, foreign controlled social media that is a war against us, it is totally not realistic to invest in nationalist made in Canada, much less advanced technology that will make other portfolio obsolete…however a nationalist government would change that, turn it on a dime and give us a thousand bucks in change, no problem, totally kick ass…

of course we have the research available 

then there is more to know with the pension fund 

there is more worth exploring– especially interesting investments in the so called “vaccine” bio-weapons, and related plandemic, foreign social media engaged in the information war, censorship and financing of enemies foreign and domestic, enemy combatants and the like….so talking about trade, economic, financial and industrial issues, this really needs to be on the table, things need to be rectified, as it is not farfetched to imagine that fraud, mismanagement, treason, conflicts of interest exists with the perfect people of any pension board right? That would never happen here, would it? that only happens in other countries, right?

Amazing, the in your face NDP keeping the Liberal party in power, they want their gold plated pension too, only thing is, they don’t know the reality of the situation, like anyone else, and it is not just their fault, most have done nothing to change it…problems are temporary…

We are more lucky to have an ultra-nationalist at work than winning the lottery

You see, the ultra-nationalist is already ahead of you, cares a great deal about National Defence, Made in Canada and the quality of life for citizens in not only visionary ideas and development programs, he is also very down to earth, practical and inventive, imagine….this is better than winning the lottery controlled by computers and rigged to take your money, it is more awesome in every way, freedom of choice, pro-active, empowerment, not random computerized arbitrary chance, something like personal responsibility, making effort not excuses, getting involved and being part of the solution, now that’s cool…of course if Canadians want change or like any of those ideas, they will have to do it personally, as the confidence and probability of a more nationalist government of good citizens dedicated to peace, order and good government, as well as made in Canada, would take a lot of time, resources, people and work and certainly worth it…ok let’s say 3 months or to the next election, let’s get started….

Selling to America or Selling out to America, that is the question?

Yes, America needs cheap steal and aluminum, we get it, we import materials also, to create high value commodities and make all the money, ok, we understand, and our government selling out to America is normal, after all, what is free trade for, especially the so called conservative party that does not conserve anything, who has been doing that for years, avro arrow, free trade, companies and resource control, and free trade, especially the contents of the agreements that are sealed basically forever….hmmm, before we talk any more seriously about this tariff issue and terrorist threats, let’s make all that public….oh looky looky classified documents, hmmmm…this could take a while, oh wow, un redacted documents, how cool is that, finally something we can read….

What are we going to do with all that steel? Good question…

No worries, we have to take care of all that steel, in a new made in Canada automotive industry, new cars and trucks, with all those high mileage extreme efficiency fuel systems, yessir that’s right, and galvanized metal and no more cancer in the steel from foreign imported garbage either, vehicles by companies that are owned, controlled and voted by real Canadians, and by the way, what about the non existent North American Autopact, the good old days, let’s see if we can review that, do the math and make relevant options and decisions for the automotive industry, after all, just like the stores are full of stuff from made in China, our roads are full of vehicles that are not really Canadian, yes, lot’s of room for improvement, after all that is the biggest room in the world, right?

What about all the railroad and railcar revitalization, and we can nationalize anything we want and turn the economy around on a dime, right? Get it? Yes we will totally eliminate foreign control of our railroads and greatly reduce that access to China which has only put us out of business, in addition to all the extra cars and trucking going on that could be reduced.

Marine Technology and the ocean of dreams and lakes of paradise

What about marine technology and shipping? That will use tons of steel too, no problem. New Canadian Navy, out stealth submarines being built, yes, totally, lots of steel there, no need to give it away, and oh yeah, lots of industrial machinery, for resource development and construction, all kinds of marine craft, maybe we can build an aircraft carrier, or two or three so we can load them up with all the awesome planes we are building, now that is genius, right? Nothing like building the next world power that does not represent being the hammer of the earth, or engaged in proxy wars for the enemy who is trying to destroy us and actually declared war on us, right? See, we have understanding now, before we did not, so this is working out to be totally providential and exciting. Real rapport and diplomacy, like the good old days.

Construction, road building, machinery and the forest industry is awesome

Especially concrete and re-bar, that is part of a healthy economy, and building a proper foundation for the super structure is essential, along with all that beautiful new lumber and plywood, aahh, now we are taking right? Lot’s of use for steel in construction and other products as well, and if it wasn’t for the construction industry, we would be in big trouble

How about road building and machinery, stuff like that, lots of steel there, nothing like more Made in Canada eh?!

The war on fossil fuels is stupid

All the war on fossil fuels is so stupid is mind boggling, and if you insist, no more garbage trucks and no more garbage service pickup in your neigbourhood, then we will see how that is working for you, do we have a deal? It’s not the art of the deal, it is the garbage of the deal, and how to deal with it, certainly you thought of all that right?

The man of steel

Let’s have at it, actually, we need to increase steel production, so thanks for bringing all that to our attention, so this is providential, we can really look at the President Trump comments as really a good thing, enlightenment towards nation building and nation state sovereignty, we really have been slackers, we really could do a lot better, we could make effort not excuses, right? It’s not white supremacist to have Made in Canada, it is not illegal, immoral or unethical, right? Hmmmm We don’t have General ZOG or other double agents from foreign religions and governments and corporations that have everything rigged and controlled to stop us, do we? Not all MPs are traitors are they? Maybe they mean well and just misunderstood, after all, most of them are not real Canadians, however there is room for improvement, right? as in resign and get lost….to the room called oblivion, that would be classic…salvation, the Kingdom of God on earth, finally, we don’t need to wait for the return of Jesus Christ, we can be pro-active and accept personal responsibility, after all, why would God want to save someone who does not fight back against white genocide, like duh, God helps those who help themselves, right? The man of steel, yes, kick it up a notch or two, how about a real cool Minister of Industry and Minister of Natural Resources, more than just a man of steel?

Forest industry revisited

Oh yeah, lets get rid of that Forest Stewardship Council that is controlled by the Americans, we do not need them controlling our forests or the forest products industry, sorry, we know this is a sore point of contention, and most people don’t know the facts, and would label it as a conspiracy or racist comment by white privileged people that don’t really need jobs like anyone else, however, since we are talking trade and tariffs and other threats, we need to be realistic and acknowledge realities hiding in the background….

While we are at it, who is the CEO of CBC, isn’t that an American in New York, is that right, is that true, we gotta look into that, we know they are commie, and now, that is getting annoying, anti white, anti nation state sovereignty and being run by an american, hmmm, amazing…we didn’t make it up, we were told, so that is worth looking into…CBC has to be totally overhauled, no more anti white propaganda post modernism cultural genocide, got it?

Canada First and only, patriots versus traitors, you like polarities, right?

Ok, let’s continue with reality of people, however, we will stick to the facts and it is a Canada First policy, we get attacked, no problem, Canada first, and we will be so fortunate to get rid of all the traitors and double agents who can’t hide their true colours in the last 5 years that has made that really evident, what a blessing in disguise….let’s see how MPs and MLA work together, yes let’s see what all the smart people do. Remember all the double agents? Yes, also include the weasel boot lickers and those talking about doing tariffs, retaliation, trade war, Canada as a state, the North American Union, unified currency and related bullshit, take a look, listen and make some notes, goblins in disguise, amazing, having firearms are a good things, the penalty of treason is death, which is what all the pedophiles deserve also, death, open season, execution, yes can can do a whole lot more to make Canada awesome again, no problem. Certainly the CAF knows how to identify the enemy now right?

By the way, we have allies in Europe, and we will help get rid of their traitors and double agents also, we will preserve western civilization from all the riffraff race replacement invasion migration also, along with all the stupid genocidal policies and so called laws and regulation that are against us. That is the least we can do in a more united Sovereign Aryan world, that does not put up with crap from anyone, certainly not the anti white genocide, race traitors and other people super imposing illegal hate speech laws and obscene regulations by private corporations or the rest of the goblins involved in that, got it? Ok, going forward…

Hyper inflation and impossible debt repayment : economic collapse

Do you like Hyper inflation? Anyone? Of course you do? Debt default aka IMF a la carte? Of course you like that too, what’s not to like about putting countries in debt with impossible to pay terms so their assets can be raided, isn’t that what some governments and financial institutions do? Or is that still classified and un-audited, oh look, another folder on my desk, good grief….impossible debt threatens the collapse of nation states, interesting, who would have thought….

Expensive houses by hyper inflation, compensated with welfare and crickets

Increased housing prices more than doubled due to idiotic race replacement, invasion, migration, crazy student and work policies and endless foreigners here with welfare,  what’s not to like about hyper inflation, why not add to everything else, not only housing, the only affordable housing we have are igloos…thanks genius, no mortgage, utilities or taxes, amazing…have nothing and be happy, hey where are the crickets, can we get those with food stamps? Let’s see, 40 million people in America on food stamps…hmmmm, that is a lot of people and even more crickets….are they FDA crickets, GMO crickets or simply the everyday cricket loaded with parasites, is there a UPC code for those crickets, that has to be all on the table if we are talking about trade, sanctions, embargoes, tariff and other dumb ass idea, yes, crickets, weird, let’s go play cricket instead, that would be real culture right? Going to England to play cricket with the King, actually the peasants, subjects, how cool is that. At least that will not be taxed to death right? Hahaha cricket tax.

Pave the airports and more aerospace industry is needed

Think we don’t spend money on defence? Ok, let’s pave all the airports, start with Pembroke CYTA, after all CFB Petawawa flies out of  there, no sense having a 40 year old airstrip for planes that cost over a 100 million dollars right? Yes, keep going from CFB Comox to Goose Bay, everywhere.

Now, this may be audacity, but really a national security request, and why not while you are at it sell a specific airport for $1 to Canada’s ultra-nationalist billionaire, the mystery man, so he can build aerospace, defence and airforce projects in privacy. Be a sport, have some initiative, you can take the credit….you can even make it as an investment at full value, the guy is a genius with securities and money, if anyone can fill the pockets and portfolio and add to the job creation file, he can do it, he only needs encouragement and to have good faith and trust, after all, he is publicity shy and does not negotiate well with people who are traitors, so you will have to be dedicated to dealing with all those national security threats and be more pro-active and patriotic, after all, if the government of Canada is accused on not spending their 2%, it stands to reason someone needs to do the math and do something about it, right? O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

The down to earth ultra-nationalist

That ultra-nationalist mystery man will help you with your spending, investment, PR, national defence, job creation, industrial enterprise rebuilding and lucky for you, probably not interested in an office job in the government, he really is a working man who likes to focus on his work, however, he is probably annoyed with what is going, not like us at everything is amusing, right? Not likely, more of a nightmare from hell, like what many other real Canadians experience everyday…and yes it takes a lot of moral courage to write everything here and put it on the big table as we sit down at the big table and have another coffee aka cawfee tawk…make sure it is organic coffee…

More on Marine Technology and Industry

How about building new shipping ports, that is a good thing, with marine technology and ship building infrastructure. Why not make cruise boats, with all that steel repurposed and directed to “Made in Canada” eh, fantastic, what about global trade cargo ships with those electro-dynamic steam engines on them, like Canada’s stealth submarines, that would be cheap to run, we can do international trade easily, we can even do it in Canadian dollars…

Canadian dollars for international trade and the free lunch lobby group

yes, that’s right, you want to sell in Canada, you will accept Canadian dollars, and sure we can still have some American dollars payments, there are things we can buy from America, but we don’t need to have all that wealth transferred in the exchange markets and be insulted and accused any more of being subsidized either, the future state colony impoverished and ruined by traitors, maybe we can have a free lunch too, maybe like a dividend or something, right? Peasants think out loud and they have no filters, and they like to keep it simple and to the point, it’s a lot to ask to understand that, however it would represent something truly inclusive for the white peasant working class, that would get you votes,  since you nuked the middle class, we really feel the tragedy now and grief all the time every day….and those that could already left the country, hopefully the only people left will be those who love snow, and we look forward to the next ice ace where we can chill out for a while and go sledding and walk on snowshoes, make tasty maple products and fun stuff like that would be a return to the quality of life. So yeah, more Canadian dollars in international trade, get it?

Aircraft, submarines and more

Airforce investment ok no problem, how about 100 new generation CF-105 Arrow, ya, 200 billion, no problem, the Ultimate Arrow, or the ultimate space invader from, or those totally awesome amphibious aircraft or strategic air-lifters,  that’s defence, no problems, and more of those stealth electro-dynamic submarines from, no nuclear SSN no worries,  an easy 50 billion or more to get started. You want to keep your job right? Your pension too? Are we over the 2% yet? And you thought we are going to buy more american defence  technology and airplanes, no, we want something more like Made in Canada, plane and simple, or rather advanced manufacturing and technology, we still have that right?

Status and the state of Defence

You want status in the G-7, the G-20, or simply keep reducing Canada to rubble with MPs who don’t give a damn about national defence or anything Canadian….diversity is not a strength, it is a code word for white genocide…the clock is ticking…and the Canadian Armed Forces are tired of shit equipment, non-existent technology and vehicle platforms, defence technology production infrastructure and all that woke crap post modernism anti nation state genocide….and proxy wars for genocide maniacs and criminals…got it?

Since people have little individual imagination, and if the truth be told, Canada’s ultra-nationalist billionaire probably started battlegrouop-301 with the idea of eventual nationalization, however, it is possible to do ethical contract business, if there was such a real nationalist government, but not likely possible now.  Although many dedicated Canadians exist and in every way dedicated to Canada with genius production and organization to build a future that is awesome in every way…except for the reality that traitors will not concede much territory to the nationalists even if their life and country depended on it.

The missing dimension of leadership and loyalty

This unified purpose and mission tasking that require huge co-operation and focus as well as extremely good character to achieve, this may be unrealistic for some, and an excellent and exciting challenge for others. Even as narcissistic people would never admit they are wrong, or apologize and treason is a badge of honour, some people have a long way to go if we are ever to stop the damage, fix it and go forward with vision and unified purpose, of course that takes leadership and moral courage, and right now there is zero people of all the MPs that have that capacity, sorry, it is a lot of grief to Canadians…and you need a reality check, tough love and truth is brutal, right?

Yes we are still on topic, defending Canadian economic and industrial interests and nation state sovereignty, yes that sounds like that Defence Mission talk right? Moral courage, forward march!

Space planes and real jobs for real Canadians

Moving fast forward, yes the Canadian space program, you know, the single stage to orbit spacecraft, another project, now that would be a lot of bucks, but doable, after all, now we have sovereign currency and ended race replacement, invasion, migration and other anti white genocide policies, we will have lots of great jobs and careers, challenge and reward…finally, no more kill whitey or take whitey’s job, gee thanks, self esteem and confidence, money and power, great. We don’t want to hear or see about foreign countries and their space program as we do nothing,  we want adventure, challenge and reward also, and a whole lot different approach to flying logistics. You really could think about that, instead of dividing the country will stupid distractions and things like that…after all you talk about turning the country around on a dime, ya, sovereign currency and a genius industrial policy will do that, and space planes would be cool, and we would be golden, redefining reality and super achievement…

Oh yeah, before we go any further, it has been too easy for everyone to take advantage of Canada, you know with all the double agents and traitors, we decided to execute them all, open season, no more imbeciles in government, no more traitors, imagine what that would be like, that is hard to imagine….we can try to imagine, paradise on earth in Canada, all that snow and not traitors, how pristine….

National Security Threats and the enemy within

Now we know we have challenges and problems, as it seems few people in the Canadian Armed Forces that can identify the enemy either, however problems are temporary, and CAF personnel and the Intel community all have required reading that National Security Threats, all gone, no more in your face cultural marxism, post modernism anti white crap either, now we have a new Canada, no more mass media controlled by enemies foreign and domestic either, those enemy combatants and political interference specialists are all black listed, their assets will be either confiscated or destroyed, no problem. Did I hurt your feelings? Oh sorry, I didn’t think you had feelings, since when do sociopath traitors and double agents have feelings? Eh?

Government personnel and all citizens should read something very interesting like this…

The Canada US border and invasion threats and risks

What else? Oh yeah, the border, yes thanks to some visionary genius, we have resources for the border, yes we worry before President Trump gets into the white house, millions will invade Canada to get away from what ever crime they did, not to mention all your “favorite” people that voted to not build the wall and allow all that mass migration and invasion, yes, we worry about that too, but not for long, the illegal gun laws to enforce genocide and mass murder through criminals and invader will come to nothing as we will simply kill them all, and we don’t trust the government, not even people in government trust the government…

The right to self defence eh?

We can follow the American example Mr. President. Rotary cannons, and anything goes, you know, open season, what we will have here when we finally had enough of the super charged racial strife super imposed with all those invaders, as in death, you like that word, right? Death, isn’t that what you said anti-Semitic people deserve in your video? where does that put American with the Gaza Palestinian genocide? Eh? Palestinians are truly semitic right? And what about all the anti white people, what do they deserve? That is quite an accent you got there, Death, yeah, like Operation Warp speed and related bio-weapons, thanks for the genocide, we take it personally, and by the way, the truth is not anti-semitic, however if you lie all the time, is that anti-white? Eh? Hmmm of course there are experts who can talk about that in great detail, certainly you won’t listen to the peasant rambling on about nothing, right? You like AI right, that is not anti-semitic is it? Is AI anti-white? Aha…if it were anti-white, that would not truly be intelligent would it, especially with a unified white Aryan sovereign nation states in the mix, let’s see….hmmm how to deal with the anti white enemy combatants….and the anti white algorithm…

Lies of tariffs and how to invent the future

The idea that tariffs will make America rich is bullshit and a total lie to Canadians and American people. It will make you poor, trust me, i am a math wizard and financial genius…I have to balance my budget every week like most peasants. What will make you rich is productivity and prosperity, inventing and patents, what ever happened to the American inventor society, or whatever it is called, they know China has the advantage of patents and everyone goes there, in America, if your too smart and make everything else obsolete or break the so called laws of physics, that is illegal. Lots to learn and grow here and now, right? Tariffs are a self destruct button, go ahead, make my day….do you want to comment on that? Eh?

Comments on sovereign debt free money for Mr. President Trump

What about a debt free currency? Andrew Jackson right? Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy…Hey, weren’t you going to do a nice rock carving wall at some park in the north west or somewhere with famous presidents that were all about a sovereign currency? You know, make America great again, yes, tell us what that includes please. Is that green backs, liberty dollars, Treasury Notes, stuff like that, or is that classified? Oh sorry. It sure was not classified to the guy that did astral time travel was it? You do that right? Astral Time Travel? With all the more military personnel than one can count…it is a great even, you would have to be there to appreciate the magnitude of freedom and everything that led up to that. Did you ever figure out who the mysterious woodworker was, or is that still above top secret? Isn’t he the guy with the key to the elevator and the keys to midnight?

Illegal wars – full stop

Or what about all these illegal wars, you know, only congress can declare war? and sending all that money and weapons to Ukraine and Israel was a total waste not too mention direct and proxy war, an illegal war, where you have no problem sacrificing the lives of sincere and patriotic Americans in a proxy war because of allegiance to a foreign power that is actually at war against the United States, isn’t that kind of treasonous, or simply business as usual?

Some ultra-nationalist perspective

Now we know that the ultra-nationalist mystery billionaire is news to you, be rest assured, he does not do boot licking, ass kissing, kissing the ring, bending the knee, or even polish your shoes, he will never rent a cabin at Mar-lago or whatever its called, not like some other traitors in government, political parties or even some private individuals are known to do recently. If anything, crop circles on your lawn would be most probable and it would not be a drone, it would be the real thing, the ultimate flying machine.

It is not likely you will ever talk to him, the art of the deal is totally different dynamics with an ultra-nationalist, something that you are not prepared for, and he is not like the double agents you are used to, who occupy government and other places with anti nation state treason, high treason, corrupt and immoral character with their allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, religion or government, no, he is a totally different character.

No worries, it is not likely that the Canadian government will recruit him to negotiate with you, they would be in shock to admit his existence or understand and know anything he has to say about anything, he is already way ahead of you and them. And no worries, he is a national security asset that will not leave the country, he will not be drugged and hypnotized, engage in sexual crimes, drug and child trafficking, cloned or replaced with an actor and CGI, no, that would be not likely, as there is no evidence of his actual existence is there? A mystery, an enigma, an impossible idea, nobody could be that smart or rich and keep it a secret, could they? Just try that remote viewing in a small town and see how far that goes…even Ingo Swan never saw everything, and he is gone now, so you are out of luck…

You can’t hide money, eh? Hmmm The ultra-nationalist billionaire does not idolize money, there is no quest for power, fame, or money itself, in fact, humbleness, moral character and moral courage and next to zero publicity working out the details to save Canada and re-invent Canada is something that requires that stoic nature, something money can’t buy, so you will have to negotiate with someone else, and you should know, zero tariffs, so give it up now, while you have your dignity and prestige and power, you can choose to apologize to Canada and Canadians or not, and we know it takes a big man to apologize, to smooth things out, to make amends, we would like to see and hear that from our own prime minister, don’t worry.

Most guys don’t like the insults and accusations and blame from the women in their lives, like they are idiots, women that treat the big things in life as nothing, and the nothing things inn life as huge things. Many men choose to smooth things out, they will also call out others on their bullshit, there are always fingers pointing back to those who blame and accuse others. Guys have experience with that, yes, it takes a big man to apologize and try to fix things as much as possible, and yes we know, sometimes there really are irreconcilable difference and terrible breakdowns in relationships, that is what divorce is, and sometimes there are huge problems financially, that is what debt and no or inadequate revenues do by living beyond ones capacity or shock to the economic industrial landscape and changes to revenue streams. So, Canadian citizens don’t like or appreciate your comments, and thinking Canadians will be on your side because they don’t like Prime Minister Trudeau, would be an erroneous tactical gamble that will backfire, it will cost in ways we can only begin to imagine, and that’s ok, we have been studying US PsyOps for years, you will get a reality check…and even though if people are not happy with the Prime Minister they will also look to someone they can relate to and trust, in this case Canada’s ultra-nationalist down to earth mystery billionaire…

Mark Carney and more cards up the sleeve that need to be dealt with

Theoretically, Mark Carney may arrive at the table, He has status, of course, he may not know Canada’s ultra-nationalist billionaire, then again, maybe he does, it  makes one wonder if he does know, or if he knows about all the visionary enterprise and nation building endeavours going on, after all, Mark Carney has been out of the country for a while, and the mystery man ultra-nationalist is involved in British engineering and aerospace projects, more than just steampunk, and has no appreciation for globalism or globalists especially if they are part of the NWO that is anti nation state sovereignty or anyone that has been involved with WEF etc et al, selling out the country or the covid plandemic, wakey wakey, Canadians like others around the world are waking up to reality…

We can’t really speculate here, since we have no degree in theoretical physics, however we do know that the unfunded liabilities of USA is considerable like all debt

Carbon Tax nightmare

We prefer to call people out on their bullshit, it is becoming a national pastime for some people. Especially with the government and the carbon tax that financed insolvent and corrupt private organization around the world to our knowledge…amazing, 300 trillion trees and carbon tax on tax on tax on tax, the only country in the world with carbon tax, welfare for all the useless globalist private corporations for so called legalized theft and wealth transfer, like ya, what did we ever do to you? How does carbon tax apply to exports? Zero, you pay nothing, we are privileged, only we get to pay carbon tax…in fact we are so privileged, only Canada has and pays carbon tax in the entire world, so it is us engaged in wealth transfer, global welfare and other destructive genocidal tax polices based on endless lies and super imposed regulations and illegal agreements also based on more lies, deception and manipulation, great, the PsyOp machine is working excellent, not too mention all the hypnotized double agents…

Realistically, Mark Carney was great for Canada and the Bank of England, but he never did debt free money, and did he ever meet JGH? What about that, the plan to save the world? Either way, globalism and anti nation state policies and plundering are another zillion miles in the opposite direction of an ultra-nationalist viewpoint, even a simple nationalist viewpoint, like Made in Canada industrial economic nationalism,  like Made in America, right?

The Politics of Treason and selling out the country

We mention the great central banker here, because of speculation, right. difficult, concerning the present state of affaires with the governing administration, right? The official opposition parties would not defend Canada against a North American Union or your tariff and terrorist threats, with a lot of them with allegiance to a foreign state engaged in genocide and war against all, and white people everywhere, and they would have no problem to lick your boots, how is that for discrete? So in the science of quantum probabilities, an early election is possible, but not after the pensions kick in, then treason pays good, Conservatives who conserve nothing may get elected, they will sell out the country, yes, mass media go to work, great, hope they are insured as they may be destroyed before then along with dominion voting systems, we don’t want to make it too easy, right?

By the way, the vindictive retorts by Canadian Premiers to turn off the power, fuel, water etc etc, is bullshit, just so you know. They are not used to pro-active and visionary nation building, after all, they have been engaged in treason, high treason, bio-terrorism and genocide, many are narcissistic, vindictive, hostile, retaliatory, bitter, resentful and reactionary, well done, that was easy, to trigger them. They are probably all in on it, making the little people suffer, everyone…more lockdowns, more austerity, more cutbacks, and endless money for what does not matter, great, off to the races…

Defending the border with strategic, operational and tactical re-adjustment

The ultra-nationalist billionaire would not do that, he would say, you are right, Mr. Trump, we don’t spend enough on defence, it is the longest undefended border in the world, but that is no excuse, we could do better, then again, and why did the US government allow all the invaders from criminal backgrounds around the world through Mexico? Why? There are a lot of people that should not be here, we don’t want or need here, they have been forced upon us in this anti white race replacement war, we know there is a problem, we don’t have constitutional militias like you, or enough reservists unified and combat capable, our border services people have been told to stand down and escort these invaders to hotels, they have all kinds of welfare and benefits, we have big problems, and yes more things can be included to account for defence spending as well as more defence technology projects, made in Canada defence technology, yes, we can do that, we need to get over the avro arrow trauma and learn to build great things together again, to redevelop industries and enterprise, yes we can reduce the drug problem, it is crazy dangerous, and really, we need to do more than defend the border, it is the entire territory also, and all these crazy airplanes unloading people everyday that should not be here, except for the treasonous government, the multicultural act of super imposed Kalergi genocide weapons and rage in anti white injustice.

NO tariffs or  predatory investment representing national security threats

And NO, tariffs will not work, that is not the solution, you have tax free corporations, we don’t, you have the reserve currency and get everything at a discount, we don’t, you create all kinds of fake money through the Federal Reserve and finance private corporations to buy up real assets everywhere, we don’t do that, those companies like Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard in addition to others are national industrial economic security threats to Canada, our industries, enterprise and nation state sovereignty, you just don’t play fair…and they need to be totally banned and existing assets re-acquired by Canadians…

We have the disadvantage as there are next to no nationalists in government, imbeciles, traitors, people that can’t do math or run a business, and yet they expect the enterprise to be perfect. They even expect us to unite and work together after all the division, hostility and treason, amazing, like crackheads that mean well, but not realistic, and for what, more bullshit both sides of the border and in every province, that does not work for Canadians.

MAGA – audit the Federal Reserve

By the way, how about you audit the Federal Reserve eh?

End the insults, accusations and be more pro-active

We don’t want to hear any more bullshit insults about the governor of the state of Canada, zero, got it? There is a Governor General of Canada, there is the Prime Minister of Canada, there are premiers, and there are people…

No more bullshit about Canada being the 51st state or the North American Union, got it, get the point? No more PsyOps from the foreign controlled, owned, voted, edited and censored mass media, fake surveys and opinions about Canada joining the states, got it, otherwise, they will be eliminated from your 3D chess board of bullshit…simple. After all, if Israel has the right to defend itself, certainly we have that right also, from enemies foreign and domestic, including all genocide and war, including the so called vaccine bio-weapon, right, You don’t like foreign interference either, right? By the way, when are you going to end the genocide of microwave and 5G technology on American Citizens, Eh? When are you going to end chem trails and geo-engineering genocide and weather control weapons on Americans and around the world, eh? Make America Great Again, aha, of course you will. We need to know so we can tell Americans.

Personally, we are all in with the ultra-nationalist billionaire, politics seem both predictable and unpredictable. We are not interested to count on the government, as there is a loss of trust and confidence, we are not waiting for salvation or anything else, we will fix it ourselves. If the government wants to do something patriotic and nationalistic and defend Canada, they will, if not, too bad, the next election is not what you or anyone else thinks, the element of surprise is on the periodic table of alternate reality.

Individual citizens can choose to defend Canada, they can choose an awesome future and be part of the solution, creating the future, as the status quo is already obsolete. Trade war, is not ideal, however we will re-invent Canada and already are working on that and the future will be considerably different and better for many as we will organize that and we will like it a whole lot more than the ideas of traitors and enemies. We are just getting started…and it is time to go tell others about all the great news, real news at

Luckily and providentially, you have freedom of speech here. We do not enforce illegal hate speech laws which were written by treasonous enemies foreign and domestic, actual enemy combatants….what do you think of those apples, eh?

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