Why is Druthers.ca so awesome?
Druthers.ca is truly an honest and independent newspaper. The writing, investigative journalism, presentations and range of really relevant stories and news reporting is excellent. In the COVID lock down era, the publication was a true beacon of light, standing unparalleled with the truth about so many things.
In December of 2020 the word druthers took on another meaning… a newspaper… a free, 12 page, independent, people powered newspaper filled with important, honest, news & information that Canadians are not being given through the traditional corporate media conglomerates.
The idea for Druthers newspaper was born from a desperate need for truth in media, especially in 2020 when the mainstream propaganda machine went into full swing, creating huge divides among the population.
Shawn Jason (the creator of Druthers) started a fundraising campaign for this project in November of 2020 and very quickly raised the $3,500 needed for the first print run. The first run was for 25,000 copies and was released on the 1st of December, 2020 in Toronto, Ontario.
Amazing, what an awesome success story eh! Read and discover more : From Druthers.ca
Facts and Analysis
Druthers.ca is well known and appreciated for brilliant analysis, assessment and the reality of everything going on, especially in politics, the so called “vaccine” also known as the big Pharma depopulation bio-weapon, the many illegal and criminal, unconstitutional bio-terrorism of the super imposed genocide vaccine campaign. With great awareness is great empathy and care for Canadian Citizens.
Relevance and Awareness
What is evident is the loyalty, trust, respect and rapport that exists with the Druther.ca staff and publications and the reader. Literally people of like mind, birds of feather flock together, yes, and much more than that. The reader is not the average person engaged with endless distractions on things that don’t matter, in the Druthers.ca world, people are in tune with the Druthers message, and the Druthers staff of capable and competent writers are very conscious and have the knowledge and understanding of the situation, the real state of reality.
You are in the timeline
The real state of reality, not the official narrative, is presented and made available and truly represents life saving knowledge, in addition to something very optimistic and encouraging, even though there is the bad news, which is not hidden and glossed over, it is presented in an always understandable format, whether simple and to the point or with more comprehensive details. Then there is the good news and awesome news also, victories, developments and future possibilities, the expanded timeline that includes you the individual in society, present and future time, something that is actionable now, as everyday counts.
Perspective Right Now and the Future
What is normal with Druthers.ca is the details as well as the big picture, the greater awareness, as it is conducive for people to be pro-active, the everyday and long range goals and the things people can do. Greater awareness, more intel can help make better decisions one way or another. Perspective and perception with Druthers.ca and all those who we are so fortunate to have their articles to read, is providential and synchronistic to say the least, being timely and relevant at such a crucial time in history of the world, Canada, politics, freedom and the individual is essential and yes, lifesaving.
Excellent Intel Enables a more Pro-active Life
For all those fortunate enough to have a copy of Druthers, due to the wide distribution network and volunteers and many people who contribute to the production of articles, which is much more than content printing and distribution, people are able to move forward on solid ground, not only from being validated with their initial beliefs, gut feeling intuition, or simply knowing the reality of treachery, deception and manipulation in society, going forward with overwhelming confidence, the benefit of having trusted and valued intel, even as you would at war, with spies and reconnaissance, people need to know, life depends on it. For those who hear and understand and are pro-active, this is great news.
Being able to promote that great news from Druthers.ca is even better. Every month, fund-raising is done, more printing greater distribution, more positive impact that is life changing and a much great increased faculty of understanding and awareness, and importantly how that relates or integrates with other things going on. There are now blinders looking only at one thing, Druthers.ca reports with considerable detail and insight. What is always interesting that everything is like a gold mine of knowledge, which is extremely excellent for all those who never stop learning.
This goes beyond the simple idea of red pilling people, many people already know or have an idea about the truth and reality, they may not know all the details, and for many, where do you look? Who is trustworthy, honest, independent, no PsyOps, no mind control, no social engineering?
Truth, Censored Truth and the Untold Truth
With Druthers.ca the truth is what counts, the reality, not the fake reality, or the official narrative of mainstream fakestream news, PsyOps and propaganda, these big news media empires represent double agents, engaged in social engineering, mental influence and cultural genocide and not in any way about nation state sovereignty, individual and health sovereignty or freedom, period. Druthers is all about truth and freedom, independence and the quality of life, you can discover that in anything you read..along with the illuminating and revealing stories of what may seam as classified intel, censored information, suppressed truth, the untold truth, we always like that, we want to know the real deal, the whole deal and the censored deal, what is it that is so important to censor? Lot’s apparently.
It would be fair to say from the writers perspective of so many articles, that it is the whole truth so help us God, at least to the current level of understanding and awareness and wisdom and perspective. We like inspired writing, people in their zone, people that care, people that have valuable things to say and add to the quality of your life, not just to save your life and the health and of the people you know, to make an every greater difference. What is super awesome about Druthers.ca is that it is primarily real and tangible, a real newspaper, focused, not full of advertising, focused on getting the message out.
Personal Perspective and Professional Integrity
What becomes self evident also, you may read and say, “I didn’t know that, that is really interesting.” Some people have the uncanny or remarkable ability to find out hidden secrets, or to connect the dots, or to present things that you not otherwise be aware of, and of course the genius of writing, with the Druthers.ca it is professional in so many ways and reflects on the character, personality and integrity of the people writing, producing, managing and distribution. Find anyone of those people, you will find someone remarkable and chances are yo will make a new friend and ally, something rare in this age.
Druthers readers are considerably more aware of what is going on, not only from personal observations, belief and understanding, even more so in much greater detail due to the comprehensive reporting that is down to earth, insightful. If you want a really good education and learn a whole lot more of what is really important, not only concerning health, freedom, politics, health, trends, geo-politics, the crime and illegal or unethical events of the day I the political and corporate world of super imposed genocide and global agendas at play, you will find also in the future writing which is extremely relevant to your life and the future of Canada.
Zero Interference for the Reader – more freedom
You owe it to yourself, at least to look into things that interest you the most, and having a greater awareness and understanding, you become a better person and citizen, as who knows, how much or who you can help, knowing what you know, and it is easy to pass that on, with any copy of Druthers, that one article can make all the difference in someone’s life, it is that powerful and influential. Best of all, a real newspaper, you can keep in your prized possessions, nobody engaged in surveillance about what you read, nobody profiling you with a computer program and selling your information, your life is not a risk, there is nobody, no AI, no algorithm restricting arbitrarily anything or presenting only their version of reality, what they want to super impose on you and control you with, no, reading the real deal is like the good old days, only better, you can be a part of that, in getting the Druthers message across, contribute to fundraising, volunteer for distribution, be part of the national campaign.
Our appreciation to the Druther’s team and going forward
We would like to express that great appreciation to the Druthers team and all the writers and everyone involved, for all the difference you have made up to now and into the future, we know that the quality of life can change for the better, and with that awareness and understanding we can make better decisions and continue to go forward with confidence and strength and the happiness of knowing we are not alone, and that we can make more friends and allies and build a better future together. Get in involved, be a part of the team that makes all the difference!
Here are some links to a few articles to get you started:
The Demise of a Tyrant – interesting awareness not only on the PM of Canada also Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative party.
The hidden dangers of vegetable seed oils : you really need to know this and tell others also;
Is Health Canada Secretly Planning for the new Pandemic – see : Natural Health Product Protection Association
The Absurdity Observer – take a quick look at the Druthers newspaper cover pages
A mini nuke for C-63 Observations & Analysis : Observations and analysis of C-63 related…
CF—105 Arrow Incorporated Company Intel : History and Future We are more interested in the…
Another point of view for the Railroad Industry and Rail Travel in Canada There is…
Good Dog vs Bad DOGE vs Yard DAWG Nearly 300 FAA employees were fired, hmmm…
Protesters rally against the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) outside the U.S. Department of Labor…
Look into and beyond the A.I. hyperspace Perspective and perception is always a good thing,…
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