Hurray what a tariffic thing to do…the tariffs are here finally…
We are lucky to have such genius in government, and everyone with a foreign occupied government is even better, especially if they control the central bank and like debt created money, that is treasury bonds and interest rates. Even more lucky to have unfunded liabilities, sounds like the average person right?
In America, $37 trillion debt, $210 trillion unfunded liabilities, yessir that is a lot, we know there are people that make videos about that.
Now the President Trump claim that USA is subsidizing Canada, quite the opposite is true. First of all, the US dollar is a reserve currency, no big surprise, however printing endless amounts of fiat money with nothing to back it up is another. We are forced to use those US dollars, at least with some transactions, we are led to believe.
Now, that is not good enough for Captain America, no, the Canadian dollar at at discount, we prop up the American dollar, because we are forced to buy them, and more so to pay other countries for their stuff we import, as they demand to be paid in American dollars, that goes on all around the world.
The Americans are concerning with hegemony, total domination, and they don’t really like the idea of BRICs, and what a good idea, right?. Well, foreign countries want American dollars, go to America and do business with them. We have Canadian dollars, and yes we can do international trade with those people who want what Canada has to offer and what you have to offer, a win win deal.
Then of course there is the oil, lots and lots of high quality excellent oil, we will call it black gold. At a huge discount of course, give away prices. In Canada, nobody seems to see the reason or idea of self sufficiency, unless you are an ultra-nationalist building the Sovereign Continuum the idea of having our own refineries and petrochemicals-chemical industries. We have discussed this before and in the last few weeks, it fell on deaf ears, believe it not…
So yes, America with endless chem trails, geo-engineering weather warfare, DEW & NEXRAD infernos, destruction of food supplies, mountains of debt, less manufacturing, the so called “vaccine” Big Pharma bio-weapon Holocaust, total pandemonium for crime and destruction of assets, and now, jack up the price of the supply change and create what? Maybe a little hyper inflation, reduced the amount and velocity of money, make life more difficult for people in America.
Of course, you don’t really need all that oil, steel, lumber, plywood, aluminum, no, you can get that anywhere in the world, cheap right? Ya, ok. Look at the transportation industry, farming, trucking, airplanes, farming, yes that all ties fuel. We know someone with a big red button called crash and burn enjoys killing the Americans like destroying everything with arson fires, yes, ok, we know you don’t want to rebuild from the rubble with more things that burn, ok, no problem.
It doesn’t matter, people will jack up the prices any ways, even if the tariffs are not related to that, we saw that plenty in the covid pandemic economic industrial genocide and warfare in the last few years, we know all about it. It will simply make life a whole lot more expensive to live, eat, travel and do what we need to do.
So all we need to do in Canada is buy more Made in Canada. How do we do that? Invest in the Made in Canada infrastructure. has a few ideas on that, it was pioneered by – CVIx Continuum
with all kinds of ideas, capabilities, services and options for the entrepreneurs and small enterprise in getting started, a way to promote and finance Made in Canada infrastructure, the idea of capital structure and relevant securities are an awesome way to go forward, with serial bonds for commercial real estate, common shares, convertible bonds and all kinds of ways to protect the assets and build new wealth, and yes even enabling future customers to be involved from the start, knowing in the future, that would be useful. There is even more to know, the ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north personifies the industrious work ethic, he sure likes industrial development programs and infrastructure, we are beginning to believe that he really is interested in only lots of Made in Canada jobs, industry, engineering, manufacturing, you know, solid quality good paying family rated jobs, something like that.
People are stubborn, sometimes they don’t care, they get jealous, someone else had the idea, and they don’t want to contribute, invest, or make an order even if they benefit, they are addicted to endless distraction by cell phone and social media and more entertainment besides, and no though about the future, Made in Canada, which means jobs, careers, commercial enterprise opportunities, national self sufficiency, things that count. No, people did nothing while the government signed away the future for industrial economic and cultural genocide, total treason and treachery.
Does the government care if life gets more expensive? No they don’t as that is what they want. Make life difficult, destroy and ruin everything, well, mostly everything, simply keep the right monopolies, supply chain and distribution networks to fill the pockets, make deals on the side or right on national news tv with the criminal people and companies involved in the destruction on an incredible and unparalleled scale, and that includes super imposed technocracy, yes, that is all we need, more AI robots taking jobs, white replacement, yes genocide everyone with the vaccine cancer, race replacement and more robots, more AI, to replace all the people that were lobotomized with the vaccine bio-weapon, of course, it is not like we don’t know. After all, 5G adds to the arsenal of bio-weapons, along with financial and currency warfare, we are good to go.
That is the government solution, tariffs to kill the American economy, what genius, instead of eliminating the private corporation called the federal reserve, owned, controlled and voted, the biggest money making enterprise in the world, by the real enemies, foreign and domestic, but that is classified, and you really need to know. Forget about Made in USA, or Made in Canada, not, tariffs, what a tariffic thing to do, Eh?
In conclusion:
The solution is less debt, debt free currency, less tariffs, more revitalized manufacturing industry, Made in Canada.
Now, it is a lot to ask, however, please let us know if you discover anyone in the Canadian federal or provincial governments actually talking about “Made in Canada”…stores are 95% full of Made in China, and the little that we buy from America, ah yes, tariff that into oblivion, great idea.
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