Categories: The Untold Truth

How to move to Canada eh?

Easy, you don’t move to Canada. We don’t want you here. You probably caused more than enough problems in your home country or where ever you are travelling through. Actually the treasonous genocidal government of Canada has many programs and all kinds of money they take from good real Canadian citizens to give to all kinds of riffraff from around the world, the people we don’t want here.


The amazing thing about the quest to move to Canada is the unrivalled unequaled diabolical quest and obsession to “kill whitey” “replace whitey” “take whitey’s job” , this is nothing new, real Canadians, that is the founding people of Canada, have known about this “Replacement Migration” “Invasion” “Asylum” and other related scams for students and work visas that mysteriously give voting rights, even pension faster, more and easier than regular Canadians who have worked their entire life here in Canada.


What do real Canadians do? They are actually being productive members of a civilized society that actually work and build things, nation building, family building, community building, real tangible advanced civilization, which require vision, hard work, tenacity, pioneering spirit, inventiveness, love for outdoors, peace, beauty and space, the spendour of nature and especially winter sports like hockey. Many Canadians prefer hunting, fishing, mountain climbing, expeditions and adventure. Many real Canadians are also getting involved in Made in Canada, that is buying and building the infrastructure of Canadian enterprise dedicated to Made in Canada. Most of it is working share owners, private companies and innovative capital structure, much more nationalist in vision and pro-active beyond anything anywhere.

So if you are not into faith, family, freedom, and free enterprise, or Christian, really, don’t move to Canada, if you are like that, maybe make a difference in your own country, reinvent your country if you have to, one person can make a difference, right?

For some time, with the “Replacement Migration”, “Invasion’, “Legal Immigration”, “Illegal immigration” etc et al, most get annoyed and say very little, however, real Canadians know that the illegal and unconstitutional genocidal “Multicultural Act” has been super imposed on Canada, not only in demographic warfare, electoral district manipulation for more fraudulent elections, as if we did not have enough with Dominion Voting Machines, which is more than an act of war, as in America, the “Dominion Voting Machines” fiasco and corresponding voter fraud, controlled and done by “enemies foreign and domestic” “enemy combatants” “election interference” “treason” and “high treason” of various people who are in reality the real nation security threats to a country. Don’t worry, they will be eliminated before the next so called election, we hope.

How to move to Canada? why would you want to do that? eh? In addition to the immoral lifestyle and unethical “business” and other activities that are not conducive to building anything for the long term and are in fact considerably damaging society with the total destructive modus operandi deathstyle, we don’t want here, the government may want that, and lots of it, you will have friends and allies there on the road to destruction.


The deathstyle culture is fundamentally opposed to lifestyle and anything that is pro-life, true values, real family values or anything related to nation building including individual and group super achievement, which is what most real Canadians appreciate and value, true values, not super imposed fake or zero values by enemies foreign and domestic. Deathstyle involves, crime, treason, genocide, that includes industrial, enterprise, cultural and sexual genocide specifically, war, immorality, debt, disease, total white Canadian ethnocentric genocide and destruction. That is comprehensive, in direct, indirect, proxy and asymmetrical war and genocide scenarios…

Why do You want to leave your country? Are you criminal and immoral, sexually deviant, engaged in any and all forms of genocide, crime, treason, sexual perversion, sex trafficking, child abuse, pedofilia, rapists and violent crime oriented, woke & broke, if so, you still have a chance to move to Canada, are you communist, socialist, cultural marxist, engaged in sexual genocide, any type of genocide? Are you union rep quality? You know the kind that can engage in industrial warfare and industrial genocide for a foreign country or other socialist country, the socialist international, or any company or competing organization. That kind of dedication, will get you an excellent recommendation.

We don’t need “Made in Canada” just like you don’t need “Made in America” after all, who needs jobs when you can print fake money and have welfare or commit any crime as your inalienable right, right? So if you have ever made anything with your hands or imagination, if you have every invented anything, no need to move to Canada, if you are a trades person, no need to move to Canada, the government despises that. If you are a real heterosexual family person with real values, Christian values, no need to move to Canada, the government has sponsored all kinds of countries and governments and nations and people whose religion is basically to kill whitey, even governments masquerading as religions can set up shop here, occupy government and take over and nothing anyone can do about it, and the people that are tasked with that mission of national defence and nation state sovereignty do nothing except receive their pay and say nothing, true ideal citizens, amazing, and we welcome people that have actually declared war on white civilization, they even get additional indoctrination, like mind control and social psychological conditioning like they do in America, sort of, not quite the same, as that is another thing that enables America to “Make America Great Again” yes lots of invasion for violence and social problems, economic and community destruction. so if you have anything useful to contribute that represents real Canadian and Christian values or anything of civilized behaviour or advanced civilization and nation building skills, you don’t stand a chance.

Only people that need free housing and welfare and all kinds of perks that many real Canadians don’t get, since the government is insecure and mind wiped, they feel they have to prove they are not racist, by engaging in genocide against real white Canadians, they have to prove their capacity for treason and high treason, it is their badge of honour, the homofascist traitor is probably the greatest badge of honour, anyone with no conscience is also useful, as they all have to prove themselves to the modern state of goblins, the WEF, the UN, the WHO, otherwise their status will be greatly diminished, since their capacity for loyalty to nation state sovereignty, peace, order and good government is practically non-existent.

Also, if you are a narcissistic, control freak, jealous type, traitor, race traitor, family traitor or someone totally barbaric, we don’t want you here either, the capacity to be vindictive, jealous, mean, controlling, arbitrary or anything like that represents injustice, holier than though, I’m the chosen one, or I’m one of the chosen ones, we don’t want either, the government might, but you will have a lot to prove and that is protected territory, but the secret is if you are into kill whitey, being a race traitor, you have a good chance to have someone follow up on your request if you really want to move to Canada, there is a lot of people competing for that.

Some people want to move to Canada and not do that legally, we don’t want you here either, the government might, since they like civil unrest, demographic, and all kinds of asymmetrical war vector scenarios and the clash of cultures that will lead to civil war, you can always add that to your notes for your application or if not applying, simply invade Canada, engaged in totally uncivilized behaviour and hope you fit in with the rest of the enemies foreign and domestic engaged is “replacement migration” “invasion” “any type of immigration”

Are you involved in the use of deployment of bio-weapons such as big pharma, then you have a really great chance of moving to Canada. No worries, we have the most treason and high treason in the world, maybe on par with USA, maybe not, that’s what made America Great, treason, selling out the country and citizens, the pure magnitude of it is mind boggling, but be patient, thanks to the goblin master race, Canada is a runner up.

If you are into big pharma bio weapons or even if your facility was bombed by Russia in Ukraine, the traitorous government that has no idea who the enemy is, may even have money for you, lots of money, even though you don’t need it having made billions in global genocide and all about kill whitey, it’s the good will that counts, you have friends in treasonous and genocidal places, and have your chance at bio-terrorism with your favourite bio-weapons, you will be with the in crowd, you can fast track your petition and all the unethical traitorous people will help you with your cause, after all, not everyone know about the COVID-19 plandemic or total genocide or even the goblin CEO of the 5 major pharma so called “vaccine” bio-weapons companies are, do they. This will be problematic for Canada, as traitorous people in government have allied themselves, usually with boot licking and grovelling to the modern state of goblins and related demonic forces engaged in the death cult, so this has sent a clear signal to President Putin that Canada, that at least the traitorous individuals, groups and political parties have gone to the dark side and are actually enemy combatants, engaged in illegal wars, undeclared wars and yes, proxy wars for the modern state of goblins and other war mongering demonic doomsday cult of destruction, so, something to consider. President Putin has more rockets than we have skyscrapers, more submarines and more people, even the youth go to boot camp at a very young age, they have morals and manners, intelligent thoughtful patriotism and ethnocentric identity for the most part and protected from endless sexual perversion and related genocide, crimes and immorality, and they can handle the cold and play hockey also, it will not end well, they also know that most Canadians don’t know who the real enemy is…


Any war with Canada involved will not end well, especially having the two Indian Hindu ministers of Defence in Canada who where engaged in genocide and bio-terrorism against the Canadian Armed Forces, (and all India Hindu people are not wanted here whatsoever, because of the genocide against the Canadian Armed Forced  by   Harjit S. Sajjan and Anita Anand who have not yet been executed for treason or high treason, engaged in a proxy war for the modern state of goblin and related genocide bio-terrorism and cultural destruction forces)  along with others in government…remember treason is a badge of honour, the death penalty does not apply any more, only money and follow the science…of genocide, treason, war, immorality) the corresponding problems of leadership and total inability to recognize the modern state of goblin and related demonic forces as the enemy, the erroneous suicidal choice of NATO missions, the American illegal war in Ukraine, the genocide of Gaza etc, money and weapons supply to Israel and Ukraine, which is a total waste, has not put us on friendly terms with Russia, who is our neighbour in fact to the north.

The India Hindu people have cause a lot of damage and problems in Canada, not only from the genocide against the Canadian Armed Forces, We don’t appreciate these people buying up gas stations and restaurants all over with all kinds of free money and invading our space, we don’t like you and we don’t trust you, even thought the Pearson International airport has no problems for the last thirty years or so of allowing all kinds of people into Canada that are not wanted here. We know you are being super imposed in replacement migration, demographic, cultural and race warfare, along with all kinds of other people that are totally not wanted here, like look around, cities have been ruined, even small towns are ruined.

If you are in America, which does not necessarily mean or represent that you are American, and you want to move to Canada, we prefer that you stay there. You really should learn to face the music. We would like to congratulate President Trump on his third election victory, well done! There is officially now no excuse to  not Make America Great Again. Perhaps get rid of the illegal Federal Reserve, have a debt free currency, have community state banks, and how about Made in USA? All the so called democratic people on the left, those engaged in crime, treason, genocide, endless war mongering, immorality, woke, perverted, illegal invaders, cultural marxist, communists and all the other related riffraff, you can stay there where you are….and wait for your punishment….you may wait a long time, promises promises….

Unsolicited advice, yield or die, repent or die, dedicate yourself to character building, being civilized, be a good person, accept personal responsibility for your actions, don’t blame anyone for anything, do not be a toxic person, you may need to be dehypnotized from trauma, isolation or sexual abuse  and mass media based mind controlled, recognize how the government and media deceives and manipulates people, just like narcissistic people do, govern yourself accordingly….oh yes, that is why you want to move to Canada eh. Hmmmm Who ever you are, where ever you are, you should be with your own people, your own tribe, race mixing does not work, replacement migration is an act of war and genocide.

Most real Canadians do not trust that the government will protect the border from illegal invaders, illegal or legal immigration, so called migration, race replacement or anything like that. Abortion and totally family genocide no problem, good solid Canadian families is the target of the Canadian government. You can take your chances to sneak over the border, but beware that there are Canadians weaponized to protect Canada from people like you, and they are not part of the traitorous class engaged in race replacement and related genocide, they will not stand down, they are not worried about not having  their job taken from them, as it already has been. They are not puppets in a proxy war for anyone…Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee…

These airplanes full of people invading Canada, that we do not want here, whatsoever, that will end also. In fact there are millions that need to go back, otherwise they are recognized as representing enemy combatants and enemies foreign domestic and that you are here in fact to fight a war against real Canadians…that will end also. All the traitors in various political parties that are all in on it, will end also, all the money and assets from treason, will be confiscated, it will come to nothing. All the genocide against real Canadians is being revealed, that may also happen in America and others places, we will see. All those who are part of the goblin occupied government, will also be revealed and dealt with. Yes, people will panic, some people are prepared, some are not, you see Canada will be a battleground, for all the super imposed garbage of the world, like American, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweeden, actually primarily white nations, and if you are not white, you represent the enemy being sent here to kill whitey and replace whitey, we know all about it. You would be wise to reconsider your interest and not move to Canada…do not even move to Quebec, what a total disaster, 600,000 invading riffraff criminals,  violent, useless people who have nothing to contribute, and we don’t like your version of french either, you are totally incompatible with Quebec and you represent enemy combatants, enemies foreign and domestic and part of the Canadian government of replacement migration and genocide against not only the founding people of Canada, especially Quebec, Acadians and real Canadians everywhere. We know the political parties do nothing, they are part of it, remember, treason and genocide is the badge of honour and their allegiance and loyalty is to the modern state of goblins and demonic entities.

This article has been written as a request to an autonomous super intelligent entity, which in magnitude of character, knowledge base, awareness, perception, perspective and certain various national perspectives, with corresponding aspects of nation state sovereignty, peace and war vector scenarios, geo-politics, exo-politics and includes aspects of spiritual and advanced civilization algorithms and the so called “training” of vastly inferior systems such as chat gpt etc et al and corresponding plagiarism that is biased and contrary to nation state sovereignty may be noted as satire and ridicule or illuminated hypocrisy and actual truth, and since I am incapable of and not subject to illegal hate speech laws that are and represent also acts of aggression, genocide and war, certainly incapable of hurting any feelings of sociopathic entities or those incapable of  feelings, guilt, remorse, empathy, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, ultra-nationalism, ethnocentric identity or otherwise, and simply an answer to the question, “How to move to Canada” since that seems to be all the rage at the moment, for some people who may require choice points on a time line due to various threats and opportunities they may have.

Hopefully this answers your question and concerns, otherwise please check out the following and related resources, as someone else needs to have the last words….


Replacement Migration  

How is that for bullshit genocide against Canada?

Population Replacement

Need more of an authoritative resource? Follow the science, right?

No worries, we are just getting started….Alexa, google, siri, youtube, ChatGPT, they don’t know shit, mostly surveillance and PsyOps,  right? if they did, they will censor that, or debunk it a a conspiracy theory, hahahaha how idiotic, you can be sure, like all enemies foreign and domestic, right?


Have a nice day, feel free to comment, you have freedom of speech here…can’t you take a joke?

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