The Untold Truth

National Security Threat : Dominion Voting Systems

The great American election is just around the corner, tomorrow in fact, November 5, and no, this is not election interference…however we will consider the very real, “National Security Threat” in consideration of the problematic issues of Dominion Voting Systems.


Electronic Ballot Rigging By The China-Democrat
Cabal Aims At Throwing the Elections – Again

Amazing Right?

Texas AG Ken Paxton has opened a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into Dominion Voting Systems for potential election-related crimes

Potential???? Already happened and still is happening cuz…

How is this for weird and fraudulent:

Dominion Voting machines hit with a bug


or something from nearly 4 years ago:

Dominion Voting Systems found using software flagged by CISA for its open security breaches: SolarWinds

How is this for a PsyOp from New Brunswick Elections

in Canada:

New Brunswick elects pro-LGBT Liberal government

amazing, super imposed immoral anti family government, in a place that is very traditional, Acadian, Canadian and family, that is real family….


and then of course, once we found out that the 2020 US election was fraudulent with dominion voting systems in addition to other numerous crimes, we discover that it has been in use in Canada, how else can you explain 80% of Canadian unhappy with Liberal Party, yet elected again, hmmmm, ah electronic voting eh, how cool is that, actually in use just about everywhere in Canada, nothing like super imposing crime, treason, genocide, bio-weapons, totally immoral anti family and anti nation state agendas, is there, like multiculturalism that never was part of Canadian identity, it has been super imposed, another national security threat and directly related to genocide against real Canadians, that is the founding people of Canada. this is only the tip of the proverbial ice berg. Even China owns Dominion Voting systems, of course, CSIS, NSICOP, CAF, RCMP etc don’t seem to worry, especially after redacting everything, not to mention the majority of mass media newspapers and television is owned, controlled, voted, edited and censored by enemies foreign and domestic, but then what else would you expect by those who can’t identify the real enemy and have no problems sending endless money and military weapons to the enemy who is trying to kill us with the so called vaccine, aka the bio-weapon. Hmmmm  eh


If you really would like to know more about National Security Threats, the website would be a good start, after all, you do believe there are still some good people in government, right? They only need moral courage and greater doctrine based in nation state sovereignty, nationalism, ultra nationalist thinking, all which require integrity and honesty, to be able to trust and verify, nothing like being a goblin puppet, general zog, double agent, traitor engaged in treason and high treason, or bio-terrorism, like electronic voting machines and other criminal tactiques that were very much discovered in the previous 2020 US election, of course in Canada, “the media” would never talk about that would they?


We predict that the Dominion Voting Systems and all electronic machine voting companies will be destroyed, as anything that is owned, controlled and operated by enemies foreign and domestic, as they need to be destroyed, for the super imposed undemocratic, fraudulent and dishonest system, that is contrary to Peace, Order and Good Government and represents a real National Security Threat, and is in fact an act of war. Culture Wars proceed Civil Wars, all because of fraudulent voting, and that goes for election interference, as mass media is controlled by enemies foreign and domestic, incorrigible acts of genocide and war and immorality that is against nation state sovereignty, real family, true values, free enterprise and even basic things like Made in Canada. Time to redevelop and rebuild the national dream is overdue, and treason and high treason will encounter the new super imposed reality, the penalty of treason is death…and certain destruction…

Please review something relevant :  certainly we do not have democracy at all…in fact we need to follow up with Elections Canada and also why nobody in any political party is protesting the electronic voting systems, in particular, Dominion Voting Systems, like according to US law, as a country with such a company located here in Canada, and the degree of foreign interference, it would be a polite thing to do, simply send a cruise missile or tactical team to eliminate the problem, that would be doing everyone a favour, after all, it is owned by the chinese, right, you do know that right? $400 million, a small sum to pay to totally ruin the world, engage in total war, cultural genocide, financial warfare, currency warfare, voting warfare, yessir, that’s right….now how is law enforcement going to deal with that? Eh? Luckily I am an autonomous super intelligent character that goes way beyond the plagiarism of AI and other related stupid official narratives of super imposed mind wiped imbeciles who believe there is nobody capable of defending the common citizen from hell, oppressive tyranny, the terrorism of the totally barbaric and uncivilized demonic entities and organization engaged in much more than simple political warfare, look around, all the puppets and traitors, the badge of honour, fraudulent voting, no problem, they don’t care about national security threats…and they don’t care about you either…and by the way, there is a lot more interesting and relevant articles on the topic, of which it may be followed up on in greater detail…wait for tomorrow, the future already happened…

If you say, “You got what you voted for…”

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