We interrupt this post with a national security threat alert : goblins
We have discovered what we call goblins on a planet that is close to our hearts. We believe the goblins came from another planet that was totally destroyed and the remains are found in the asteroid belt, we know this because we have a time travel machine and the Pandora Crystal Ball…and they do not have a world of their own, we don’t know how many there are, or how they arrived here, maybe by some kind of spacecraft, we are not sure, we are sure we need to find out more about goblins and if they pose a threat to white people or even the entire planet earth or anywhere else they may be found.
Many people heard about the elephant in the room, however what is more important is the goblin in the room, and this is found not only the room for improvement, it may be possibly many rooms around the world, many rooms identified under different names, or codes, or symbols, some even in invisible ink read only by a certain of lens or glasses.
Do you know what a goblin is? Some are visible and some are invisible. How do you identify a goblin? What are the characteristics of a goblin? Are goblins defined as enemies foreign and domestic? Are goblins anti-white? Are goblins engaged in white genocide? Are goblins involved in bio-weapons and bio-terrorism? If so, this would represent a big problem.
Do goblins own and control big Pharma, big tech and social media? Do goblins genocide entire civilizations and people? Do goblins corrupt the moral character of people? Are goblins anti family? Are goblins anti nation state sovereignty? Do goblins abuse people and society? Do goblins infiltrate and subvert governments? Are goblins double agents? Are goblins the fifth column? These are really important questions and we need top intelligence and analysis for relevant conclusions and a wise pro-active course of actions, including self defence.
Do goblins appear to blend in with the society of their choice and almost undistinguishable? What are goblin communication systems? After all, if the rule of war is to identify the enemy, certainly the goblin is an enemy. They have communication and weapon systems, right? Normal war requires the destruction of enemy communications, weapons and revenue streams, assets and personnel and take no prisoners and make only effort and no excuses.
Do goblins super impose their will, like a supra national entity? Is there such a thing as goblin supremacy? Is there such a thing as goblin occupied government? How many people in political parties are goblins? What political party members have allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, or goblins, or a religion, or a government, or a religion masquerading as a government? We believe goblins are clever even treacherous if that is true.
Are there any goblins controlling mass media in newspapers, television, radio, magazines, internet channel or certain kinds of “Programming”? Goblins are masters of disguise, how do you identify goblins? Do goblins have pedigree? Who determines who is and who is not a goblin? What kind of blood or physiology does a goblin have? Do they have a heart or a soul? What happens when a goblin dies? Do they reincarnate into a body of their choice, or is there mostly one type of DNA sequence or racial characteristics that is required? Do goblins effect their environment with people from near or far? Are their attitudes toxic, sociopathic, mean, bitter, vindictive or hostile? Do goblins have vendettas or are they into revenge no matter what the cost of effort? Are goblins diabolical? Do goblins suffer from cultural genocide or do they inflict or cause cultural genocide on people, nations and civilizations?
Are goblins immoral? Do they involved themselves in or promote pornography? If so, do goblins control most of the pornography or just a little bit? Are goblins involved pedophilia? Does the modern state of goblins protect pedophilia and pedophiles? What about drag queens, are goblins drag queens, are goblins trannies or actual pedophile reading stories to kids? Does anyone know if drag trannies are involved in pedophilia and grooming operations, are goblins involved in that? Are goblins rapists, do they kill people? Do goblins assassinate government leaders, or royalty or infiltrate and usurp anything like that? Are goblins part of the LGBTQ? Agenda and movement? If so, what do they do to get that status? Do goblins kills babies, kids or the defenceless unborn kids by abortion or other genocide?
Are goblins part of the WHO, the WEF, the UN, NATO, CDC, NIH or something else? Are goblins found in secret societies or out in public doing ethical business and conform to the rule of law? If so, what law? Do goblins exempt themselves from any laws, if so, what kind of laws? Do they protect people who have broken the law? Do goblins have a badge of honour? Do they have status or a hierarchy? If so, what kind of credentials, qualifications, character or experience do they need for that general or specific status or hierarchy?
Are goblins team players, or individuals doing their own thing? Do goblins have a leader, what is the chain of command like if they have one? Is there such as thing as a goblin puppet, or are they on chains or a ball and chain? Or do they control the strings of puppets, like a puppet master? If so, do they do that in secret or out in the open? Do goblins use mind control, social engineering or mostly quiet weapons for silent wars, do they use chemicals, sounds, lights, frequencies control others? Do they use social engineering, social experiments, illegal laws, tyrannical laws, oppression or even torture to control others? If so, would they be considered control freaks, psychopathic or sociopathic or something like that? Do they have a conscience, or exist without grief, regret, sorrow? Do they ever apologize or say they are sorry, or admins they were wrong or did something bad, or that they would do better next time, and be dedicated to personal development and character building, or are they representing something toxic, corrosive and detrimental in some ways?
Are goblins terrorists? Do goblins have a criminal mind? Do goblins love truth, beauty, goodness and nature? Do goblins believe in natural law, common law, or do they have their own law? Do goblins super impose their laws or regulations on other countries, nations, people, companies, governments, what do they do, really? Do goblins value having a trade? Do goblins work at a trade, do construction, create music or art? If so, what kind of projects do they do?
Are goblins into sports? Do goblins farm, look after animals or do agriculture? Do goblins hunt and fish? Do goblins explore or go mountain climbing? Do goblins like to kill and destroy or do they value life and the beauty of this world? Do goblins work at ecological projects and regenerating nature?
If goblins are involved in so called law enforcement or acting as public officials, could they also be involved in that pedophilia, child and sex trafficking? Do goblins prevent law enforcement from doing their job concerning prosecuting those involved in crime, drugs, pedophilia, sex trafficking, selling state secrets or anything else for that matter. Who is really doing that? Does anyone know? If so, We believe goblins have their own intel agencies and infiltrate other intel agencies worldwide, including defence, law enforcement and the legal or justice system as well as any and all political institution, and influential in rules, regulations, laws, law enforcement and even can take the law into their own hands, so to speak.
We need explanations, and know what is going on everywhere. Can we teach people to spot the goblin? Is that practical, or is there a kind of device, a goblin detector we can invent? Are goblins physical, do they shape shift like some other aliens, or do that have technology that they can go out of phase, into another dimension of invisibility? If so, is there a way to detect and track them or catch them? These are all good questions.
Are goblins genocide maniacs? Are goblins warmongers? Are goblins neoconservatives? Do goblins have a religion? Or do goblins deceive and manipulate religions and churches, are goblins the anti-christ, that is, are they anti truth, anti God? Are goblins anti-christian? What do goblins think about Islam and muslims, or buddhists, or anyone else? Are they anti Muslim, anti buddhist or any other organization. What about Christians, do they have factions, or is there a united belief system? Do goblins utilize religions to deceive people and hide the truth about reality, God, the universe, our purpose and true identity? Do they make various or new translations of so called holy books? Do they work to unite churches or divide churches? Are goblins aware of the plan of salvation, or they slight differences in religions and churches? Do they amplify those differences to divide people and hide God? What about mystical experiences, do goblins have those, do they ever receive profound revelations, if so, how? What kind of mystical experiences do they have? Are goblins involved in healing people, do they have healing powers, faith healers, channeling energy through their hands like some people, or do they use a known or unknown language to do that? Do goblins believe in or utilize mantras for anything? If so, what and how, whey and when, where, this is scientific investigative inquiry.
Do goblins value other ethnocentric societies, nations and people, or do they destroy them? Do they make up anti hate speech laws, or do they engage in hate speech or utilize symbols of hate themselves, against white people or anyone else? Do goblins keep the commandments and worship God or do they worship someone or something else? Do they worship a god, which one or what gods? Is that a real god, or a wannabe god, a false god. Do goblins have values, if so, what kind of values? Are they part of the plan of salvation, or going to hell, or are they trying to put us in hell? Or make our life a hell? These are all important questions. We need good intel to have victory in every type of war.
What are goblins views concerning money, or interest and debt? How do goblins honour contracts and simple agreements? Are goblins trustworthy? If Goblins are trustworthy, who or how do you gain their trust? Is it possible? Do goblins get involved in humanitarian missions, is there any evidence for that? Or if involvement of humanitarian missions is done, what does that include, unconditional help and generosity, or other agendas, like money lending under desperate circumstance, extracting concessions or anything they value, do goblins traffic in vaccines or other bio-weapons, microwave and 5G bio-weapons, people or drugs? Do they drive hard bargains both ways? Or are they more altruistic, benevolent and appreciate a good deal if everyone is happy like with mutual benefit?
Can you trust goblins in business, or are they tricky and treacherous? Has anyone investigated or written about the history of goblins or what they are doing now? Do goblins have an intel agency and spy on people? Do they supply communication equipment, systems or software to law enforcement, government, military or otherwise, public entities, utilities, schools or other educational and research entities? If so, this would represent a national, public, enterprise and personal security threat. Are goblins involved in mass media, social engineering, mind control, PsyOps and related propaganda? Are goblins subversive, or double agents like traitors by treason and high treason or simply not truly loyal citizen and therefore incapable of treason, only treachery, and not a real oath of allegiance, except to get what they want, a fraudulent and invalid oath.
Are goblins into satanism, child sacrifice, abortion, rape and crime, or are they like saints and simply altruistic and the gold standard of empathy and civilized behaviour? How do goblins react when they are criticized? Do goblins have feelings? Are goblins narcissistic, sociopathic or psychopathic? Do goblins ever suffer grief for what they do? Do goblins operate or control central banks and currency? Are goblins involved in the stock market? Do goblins operate insurance companies? Do goblins own or control newspapers and television, do they produce, edit, write or even censor anything, or do they just watch TV after a hard days work and drink beer? Do they drink alcohol?
Do goblins own, control or operate food companies? Would goblins poison food, water, air, ground or space? Would goblins poison even your mental space with social engineering and mind control? Do goblins use weather warfare against their enemies, do they make chem trails in the sky to poison people and land and water or use that for weather warfare? Who really does that, another bunch of aliens? Certainly nobody really human would do that would they, unless they have been mind controlled or threatened, right? What do goblins do if they feel threatened? What would threaten a goblin? Does light, facts or truth threaten a goblin, or darkness, doom and gloom, deception, manipulation, lies, coercement and terrorist threats under stress and duress?
Do goblins engage in using other countries for a proxy war? Are military personnel around the world aware if they are being used in a goblin proxy war? Do militaries have a way to identify the goblin and doctrine to deal with them? Or are militaries subverted and controlled by goblins unknown to them? What militaries know that goblins are the enemy and represent a national security threat, a treat to nation state sovereignty, or even a threat to freedom of speech, civil rights, industries and enterprise? Is it possible to have a goblin occupied government? Or do goblins mind their own business and civic duties with their own government? Do goblins respect sovereign jurisdictions or nation state sovereignty, or royalty or people with a superior moral code and leadership qualities? Or do they corrupt and destroy that so people are always at the disadvantage to be slaughtered or enslaved by the enemy?
Do the proxy war involve white people fighting white people? Do goblins have a flag that identifies them? Do goblins write or influence hate speech laws? Knowing that hate speech laws are illegal, how does that effect you? Are there any anti-goblin laws? Do goblins utilize supranational entities to control so called sovereign nation states? Do goblins engage in anti white hate speech? If so, what is the penalty for being anti white, or those engaged in genocide against white people, maybe the goblin knows. Has there been any case law or civil code events about that?
Do goblins make threats? To goblins issue orders for embargoes, sanctions, tariffs, threats of invasion, military coup d’état, annexation, insurrection, replace leaders with goblin puppets? Do goblins finance mass invasion, mass migration, white replacement, white genocide, anti white regulations and penalties for not having foreign immigration invasion quotas obeyed?
Do goblins use currency warfare, economic warfare or industrial warfare tactics against countries? Do goblins make threats on television and broadcast that world wide? Or are goblins more discrete? Are goblins narcissistic, vindictive, jealous, control freak like some people are? Do goblins lust for power and attention, or are they introverted and mind there own business, or always telling people what to do and think? Do goblins like grandstanding and making all kinds of arrogant boasts? Are goblins holier than thou, act like the chosen one, or think they are all that? Certainly some people are like that, however we need to know for sure if goblins are like that, and how many of them are like that, as we know, only one person like that can do a lot of damage really fast. Do goblins have manners and respect for others?
Do goblins use gold for currency or something else? What do goblins trade in? Or with? Do goblins use a debt free currency or a debt created currency, treasury bonds or other debt liabilities? What about derivatives, do goblins do transactions or process derivatives? Or do they keep their banking separate from the extremely hazardous derivative system that can destroy banks, countries, industries and enterprise? Do they enforce a certain kind of currency or economic system on various countries? What happens if a country attempts to exercise nation state sovereignty including a debt free currency? Do goblins involve themselves in internationalism, international money lending, or simple do business on a personal basis? Do goblins borrow money, if so, for what and how and from whom? We need to know how goblins do business.
Do goblins work in the stock market anywhere in the world, do they gamble at casinos, play the lottery which is a lot less risky than derivatives, do they like those, or what about high frequency trading, do they do that or simply place orders and out smart the computers and other brokers. What about mortgages, do goblins have those to buy a house, or a loan for machinery or buildings or anything else, or do they save their money and buy wi with cash when they have the money?We really need to investigate these goblins more as quite possible they are a very real national security threat, not only for us in Canada, maybe others anywhere else in the world, like Europe and white ethnocentric civilization….Please let us know if you can answer any of these questions, we also need informants, spies and people with really good perception, so we will add it to the goblin research intel database. Soon we will have signs and create more awareness of goblins, as the saying goes, if you look for it you will find it…some other people have their own list of national security threats, right now we are mostly interested in goblins.
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