Once upon a time
Once upon a time, there was a really awesome vision and need for an all weather interceptor, to be Made in Canada for the Defence of Canada. It was unlike anything else, in magnitude of design, engineering, advanced manufacturing and assembly, engine development, testing and further development, into pure awesomeness. The aircraft was the CF-105 Arrow, commonly known as the Avro Arrow. It was an excellent solution back then and even more relevant now, for many reasons.
From the brilliant design elements and engineering genius in aerodynamics, material science and production, new methods of innovation and project management, integrated enterprise and bold audacity to do many things that were never done before, to a marvellous degree of engineering and aircraft excellence. The CF-105 Arrow in its early development broke all kinds or records and had the status of many industry firsts, beyond anything else on the planet.
History is done, it’s not over and we are going forward
So we are not going to dwell on the past. We learn from history, we go forward. We are pro-active right? In case you ever wonder, What are we going to do now? Those immortal words, like the Arrow, goes into the heart and soul. The answer needs to be brilliant, dynamic, comprehensive and requires heart and soul, yes, even more, the super-conscious mind, alive and on fire with the purpose to create, yes, create and build something out of pure imagination.
Fortunately, providentially in fact, many of the plans for the Arrow still exists, they are real, something from the secret vaults of time, another dimension, almost like or really like from a parallel universe, awesomeness of engineering genius, the work and design elements in so many ways, discovered and preserved, now for a time like this.
Yes, of course, who in the Canadian government would dare talk abut the Avro Arrow, or to rebuild and redevelop that? Or what about Defence Technology Infrastructure, or Nation State Sovereignty, or even Made in Canada on a basic level, who would talk about any of that? Good question, and we certainly will not hear or read much for mainstream media.
Now for us, we are more interested in nationalist things, national defence and security, Made in Canada, Canadian Industry, nation state sovereignty, and things like that. Yes, this is how we go forward, with a dynamic pro-active plan, brilliant vision, comprehensive organization and the moral courage to put it all on the line, and yes this brings us back to something our readers and many Canadians are becoming more aware of, inspire of all the censorship. Guess What that could be?
The Canadian Ultra-nationalist : Arrow in the Heart and Soul
Yes, we are going forward, fast forward we hope. Take a look at only one endeavour of the ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north is up to : CF-105 Arrow Incorporated – there it is, a secret hidden in plane sight as the saying goes. Something not very flashy, more simple and discrete, yet there it is, what in the world is going on, what in Canada is going on? Amazing, pro-active and all in, leave nothing to chance, from what we know, who we call Canada’s Ultra-nationalist Mystery Billionaire is hard at work and his vision includes YOU the citizen, in so many endeavours.
The opportunity to invest and make a contribution, look into job and career options, or pursue commercial enterprise relationships for integrated supply chain development exist and are all things available at cf-105arrow.ca which is really god news. It is possible to even research or plan the educational requirements and get special skills and technical training in advance.
The long journey of vision and organization, reveals a lot of what is going on in the background of what we know of the mystery wizard of the great white north, the operations are Capital Vault Incorporated, (all about made in Canada) which developed the CVIx Advanced Projects , now found at https://strategic-enterprise.ca which is worth exploring, as the ultra-nationalist endeavours include https://comeau-aerospace.ca which says a lot in terms of being into aerospace, not only the CF-105 Arrow, and the comprehensive work of https://battlegroup-301.ca, obviously being an ultra-nationalist required imagination and never giving up, a lot of character and vision, altruistic and patriotic, something anyone could benefit from having in their life, especially now. Seeing and knowing the big picture and many details are all essential to transform that dream and vision into life, to make that fact in the world.
What does it take?
What does it take? Honeymoon Suite
As we know the down to earth visionary is a whole lot more down to earth even though the quest to Save Canada and Defend Canada is no simple task, he is fundamentally a nationalist, and anyone going forward with the magnitude of vision and enterprise, would be an ultra-nationalist, being all about Made in Canada, nation state sovereignty, peace, order and good government, and National Defence and rebuilding Canadian Industry.
This endeavour has something else to offer, the Sovereign Continuum, which we previously wrote about before and worth repeating, simply to look at the magnitude of options available to go forward with greater power and confidence, being even more organized with greater economic industrial capacity and sovereign currency and a whole new way of thinking and living. It’s not everything, however it is something, imagine more people and resources as part of the solutions, as if one person can do so much, how much further can we go being involved personally?
Character, integrity, true values, sounds like many Canadians, who could easily relate to and get involved with, mutual co-operation and benefit is more than work, jobs, careers, it is national defence and creating the future, building something awesome. It is easy for any citizen to get involved and make a difference, maybe not infinitely perfect, however it is essential to start with something somewhere and go forward, like faith, step by step, we step forward in faith. Seems like a spiritual quest also, not simply an engineering and manufacturing quest.
More perspective on the nationalist conscience
What may be mostly rarely or unknown is that the mystery man had the Arrow in the heart and soul from history to the future. Now, reading that is intense. From the day he found out about it. Yes, the thrill of knowing about such a fantastic aircraft, Made in Canada, pure euphoria, then the crash, upon learning about the destruction and end of the Arrow program. That was devastating to say the least. However the story does not end there, no, the Arrow in the Heart and Soul is a peculiar phenomenon into the Canadian conscience, for many Canadians, and in this case, the vision of the future began, to see the Arrow fly again, and so began the quest to redevelop and rebuild the national dream, the CF-105 Arrow. Yes we know, it’s not in the news, it is censored…don’t worry, problems are temporary, that is one thing we all need to know and learn, for every day life. Go forward, we build it before, we can build again and go beyond that into a new exciting future that we can have by choice, powerful freedom of choice.
The Story continues with the Iroquois turbojet
With a brilliant stroke of genius, maybe even providence, some things are very interesting to say the least, Orenda Engines Limited and the Iroquois jet engine is one of them. What a great idea, redevelop and rebuild the Arrow, yes fantastic, the CF-105 Avro Arrow Resurrection! Now we are talking about something a whole lot more up to speed eh!
Obviously we need the Iroquois turbojet engines for the Arrow, now that would be the perfection of the dream, the vision that would travel through time, yes, imagine the engine of the future, was the engine from the past, extremely well engineered and built and tested and refined into pure awesomeness, the kind of fantastic ability to exceed the demands of the vast Canadian geography, the great white north.
The Orenda Engines Limited Iroquois, had the longest run time of full afterburner of 1,000 continuous hours! That is a lot of fuel. Full power in 1.6 seconds! How is that for high performance eh? Try doing that now, with anything? So, we go forward, go back to where we started. Which reminds me of the Lifehouse song, Hanging by a moment
Who would even know that would be us, the Avro Orenda soul group, the Canadian resurrected from the threat of extinction, to resurrect something like that so awesome, who would know it could apply to a super sonic airplane and jet engine, ya, let it rip…
The Canadian aerospace industry
Luckily for us the Canadian aerospace industry has not been totally destroyed, and in fact has considerable capabilities, enterprise and competent people, and looking for more personnel to make it even more awesome. We are not starting from zero, we have a lot going for us, things that are really important, things we value. It is essential to acknowledge what we have, to make the most of it and plan to build going forward with dynamic optimism and a new refreshing way of looking at the world. The greater confidence and courage to go forward is essential, even moral courage to do the right thing, keep inventing, keep building, improve the quality of life and have that every day enthusiasm for adventure, discovery and growth, challenge and reward, productivity and prosperity, now that is a life worth a whole lot more, and plenty of excitement in the process of the every day quest, for all things aerospace, and now the CF-105 Arrow.
Jump to conclusions & fly into space
It really is a good idea to assess the situation, right now especially in the national and geo-political landscape, certainly what is going on in the atmosphere, elements of surprise may not be so diplomatic and civilized with rogue governments, terrorist threats, threats of economic force, a pretext to war, annexation and conquest, worse so with narcissistic neocon warmongers being bought or controlled by billionaire goblin supremacist puppet masters, who have no conscience or moral base, or civilized ethics, or the ability to not insult and annoy people, or the total disregard for civilized correspondence with nation states, irregardless of the degree of sovereignty.
Certainly countries involved in illegal wars, wars of aggression, and proxy wars for goblin supremacists who have no problem to genocide and bomb into oblivion innocent people with zero conscience, to steal their land and increase in arrogance with absolutely no recourse and practical defence to such incredible hostility and acts of barbarian genocide and war while the rest of the world looks on, deceived and manipulated about reality and attacked and censored if they let out a peep of the truth. \
We are only Two steps from hell to Glory in epic music world,
We will build the Arrow and have the freedom to fly,
intercept and destroy enemy targets,
O Canada we stand on guard for thee…with the CF-105 Arrow
YOU are on a mission, Save Canada, Defend Canada
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