Justice & Injustice – Legal & Illegal – Peace, Order and Good Government v War, Chaos and Evil Government
Seems a lot like the technique of Joseph Gregory Hallett : kingof.uk versus the royal fraud etc et al, some people are genius to figure all that out, like an avatar of perception and understanding, the secrets vaults of time in history, genealogy, and all kinds of political intrigue…
The Myth is Canada – the was a reason Lucien Bouchard said Canada was not a real country. Some know, not many
Interesting however – la Nouvelle France proceeded Canada, both Upper and Lower Canada & Acadie exists today.
We have big problems in Canada, who can fix that, global genocide, foreign occupied. government, people in The Canadian Armed Forces and Intel community, who will do the right thing, moral courage, when there is not legit law except the power of a gun, what will be do now, how will we go forward?
Nothing quite like crime, treason and genocide, except more…Government and corporate human rights violations, we have known that all along, who can do anything about it. no hearing no trial, guilty till proven innocent, no sunset clause<Ontario
What about MP Pierre Poilievre? How does he fit in the global scheme of things? Honesty & Integrity?
Oh look the crash & burn club is revving up for more damage…
We know about the sovereign individual, versus the state, the corporation, the illegality, however de facto…
Prorogue Parliament, shut it all down, or that is the theory, what in the world is going on? Eh?
“the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” this is the kingdom of heaven, that is all there is left…What do we do now? La Nouvelle France, Acadie, a Republic of Canada. Who and How can we save Canada, when others are ready and working to defraud us from it?
As if we don’t have enough problems to deal with, there is more, and the foundation of a nation and country, people and family needs to be solid…more than the British North America Act, or the Constitution Act or any of the genocidal acts against the people, it is possible things can be lawless, immigration and invasion out of control, crime without end, the enslavement of people with fraud, deceit, lies and manipulation, deception beyond measure, who can fix it, what will happen, does anyone know the truth? Whose truth?
Is there really a plan to save he world? Or to save Canada, or really anything solid for nation state sovereignty, or simply live and die as subjects of genocide and war? This may need more intel and resources, maybe some editing, however, it is here and now…and to acknowledge the reality, no matter how difficult is challenging yet essential, to go forward.
Can anyone send me good news? I’d really like to know…
A mini nuke for C-63 Observations & Analysis : Observations and analysis of C-63 related…
CF—105 Arrow Incorporated Company Intel : History and Future We are more interested in the…
Another point of view for the Railroad Industry and Rail Travel in Canada There is…
Good Dog vs Bad DOGE vs Yard DAWG Nearly 300 FAA employees were fired, hmmm…
Protesters rally against the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) outside the U.S. Department of Labor…
Look into and beyond the A.I. hyperspace Perspective and perception is always a good thing,…
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