In Canada we have the opportunity to invent the future. This is the basic idea of find a need and fill it, as well as organize yourself or someone else will and you may not like it. So, being pro-active takes vision and a comprehensive plan and work to transform that vision into reality. The Visionary National Airport Development Plan, is one of those ideas, that is a pro-active private enterprise initiative.
What is interesting is, many airports do have a strategic plan of one type or another, they have the idea to attract more flights, aero-industrial buildings and enterprise. Sometimes airports can or do sell land or lease it, either way, some challenges may exist to make greater private and commercial aviation as well as aero industry and enterprise to be established. The enterprise also requires vision and resources and in many cases it is possible to build greater interest and co-operative relationships for the productivity and prosperity of enterprise and more successful airport operations.
The Visionary National Airport Development Program
has ideas and a pro-active plan with great potential
promoted by Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.
Some details of the integrated co-development partners from the website:
● new asphalt – new construction; nothing like it!
● Runway infrastructure paving, air traffic control logistics
● Development & Enterprise – Aero-Industrial & Hangar Infrastructure
● Aviation, Aeronautics, Aircraft, Aerospace & Space Projects
● Co-operative association, learning, working share owner,
● Secure supply line, design, engineer, production & more
● local talent, jobs, careers & enterprise options
● Less travel with more opportunity in rural & small towns
● Good paying solid quality family rated jobs and careers
● Area, regional and national benefits wealth creation multiplier
● Community Economic Development : co-development optimisation
● Expanded cash flow, revenue, tax, customer and investment base
● Integrates and values “old school” hands on pure genius & ability
● Canadian with fractions, inches, pounds, miles and miles per hour are welcome
● Values and promotes unlimited creative imagination of the individual
● Integrates advanced manufacturing, technology, materials & design engineering
● more Design Engineering Made in Canada – like a lot more
● more opportunity, challenge and reward – live life in your zone!
● Includes new airport development, investment, acquisition & development
● Includes Aero-Industrial infrastructure in Airport proximity, adjoining private property
● general, commercial & defense technology – capabilities, character, competence
● personal, enterprise, tourism – national transportation logistics network
● expanded relevant, interesting & exciting industry economic options
● strategic, operational and tactical advantage – “unity is a super power”
● Airport Commission, Airport Development co-operative initiatives & endeavours
● Community Economic Development entities – aero-industrial infrastructure
compliments of : (© Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.)
Those are all great ideas with the focus on aviation, aerospace and aero-industrial enterprise.
There are initiatives for various airports and aero-industrial enterprise that is nationalist, regional and airport specific.
a two sided brochure is here :SEDI-brochure-inside-3.pdf & Strategic-promotion-4-trifold.pdf
The idea is that with vision and co-operation we can build great things together, certainly with a focus on the aviation and aero-industry and new enterprise, great wealth can be generated as well as an increased quality of life.
So, if we look at the idea of the National Airport Development Program, it is possible that the endeavour can enable innovative investment opportunity and capacity for specific airport and aero-industrial projects, specific hangars and buildings, aero enterprise and specific R & D, products, services and new aircraft and engine development.
A pro-active nation building plan with ideals and values, with unified purpose, vision and co-operation that unites people to creates and co-creates, innovates and creates new combinations of enterprise projects in a mutually beneficial environment. We can appreciate, values, acknowledge and promote a vision of the future that we can build, as well as the capacity to be able to do more now, the quality of life, with challenge and reward, to keep going forward and be a part of something awesome as we work and build great things together.
Going forward with a more pro-active life, individual and community participation, freedom of choice and being involved, that can enable, augment or optimize any airport in new and creative ways. This approach adds to the resource and idea base to the existing airport management and their customers, as well as the community, with the Strategic Enterprise (SEDI) and local Community Economic Development Program.
This approach has the advantage of optimizing the awareness and involvement of people in more direct and relevant ways, which can add to the learn and grow, develop and build, innovate and integrate, imagine and create, productivity and prosperity, the opportunity of challenge and reward, community success and vitality, jobs and careers, new enterprise and commerce, and a new confident step directed to the future based on solid ground of practical and realistic capacity and visionary ideals of the future, for everyone.
Airports also represent strategic, tactical and operational advantage anywhere, in addition to air traffic, many airports have critical infrastructure related to various aircraft related transportation logistics. This works simply because you have dedicated competent people truly in their zone, their airspace. This takes management, maintenance, total awareness and competence to run the show 24/7. These people we care about, they need to know we do, and that they are appreciated, people orchestrating air traffic. The airport is really important to the community and also to aero-industry enterprise.
Here at we like nation building, manufacturing, defence, anything Made in Canada, anything for nation state sovereignty, and looking at all the aviation and aerospace and defence projects going on that we write about, it is evident and that an incredible vision exists for now and the future for industry, enterprise and commercial supply and demand. Also, we know real national security and civil defence capability needs to be vastly improved, on an epic magnitude. With a unified strategy, existing Airport Management Personnel, Community Economic Development, Aero-industry enterprise and pilot vision we can succeed at mission tasking with a grand vision that is practical and possible, that creates a future we can have by individual choice, citizen and community engagement on a local and national perspective with an increased quality of life for everyone.
In Canada, we have a lot going for us in the aerospace and defence technology industries and enterprise, and with the unifying vision of the National Airport Development Program, brilliant business combinations of enterprise dedicated to more aero-industrial progress is possible. This includes prime and sub contract, co-development projects, contract, defence, general and commercial aviation, technology R& D, new aircraft, engines, products, national and international markets.
This requires an aero-industrial continuum and supply chain that is vibrant, reliable, agile and capable. This capacity enables new wealth producing power, that results from being engaged in new productivity, innovation, new programs, projects and specific aviation, aerospace and aero-industry enterprise and meeting existing aero-industry enterprise demands.
It is possible that there are significant people in both the ordinary government that want to do nation building projects, as well as National Defence, however they are confronted with challenges due to various “agreements” and “geo-political” issues, or majority voting and influence of the political parties and MPs (Minster of Parliament) or MLA (Minister of Legislative Assembly-provincial/territory , or decision making policies. That is the reality. We invent our way and the future with imagination, we make effort not excuses.
Going forward, many factors may exist or be created that will can increase our ability to build anything, especially in terms of national defence, or aero-industrial enterprise that is dedicated to reviving the aircraft and aerospace industry, and Made in Canada manufacturing in general as well as specific aircraft development like Comeau Aerospace Inc. or the incredible Orenda Engines Limited Iroquois turbojet, aero engines, and Orenda ACN-L Aerospike rocket engines. This goes in even more detail with the Advanced Fuel Systems, Engines, and the fuel system optimization program.
All these things and more, the airport and aero industry, a vast range of engineering and manufacturing and related services exist and more is possible with supply chain infrastructure in industry and defence technology, there are plenty of ideas, ideals and vision to fuel the imagination and future.
It is possible that any individual acts as if they are the ultra-nationalist citizen. It would be a profoundly different self image, or personal identity. Not based on having billions of dollars, a lifestyle that is based on pro-active individual initiative, networks of people, getting the word out, promoting co-operative ventures, a more conducive environment that has many individuals as a group amplify the potential of financial, non-financial, intellectual and resource capital, and the individual acts as if they are the billionaire, all with unified Vision and co-operation, with the basic theory of many hands make light work.
Unified co-operation is fantastic, so, as a result, people, airport and aero industry and communities are not frustrated, or stopped or neutralized, they are empowered and free to move forward, to actively create the future that is envisioned and in many cases, can do even better, as the success continues to build on success. The recipe for super achievement. the ultra-nationalist citizen is the billionaire. A vote of confidence? What is that worth? Multiply that out and do the math, add enterprise, careers, new wealth and a new future that can be had because of choice. Less distractions on things that don’t matter, more focus on what does matter.
We can go beyond reality of feeling like we are frozen in a block of ice, the ultra-nationalist pro-active and visionary way, that anyone can be involved in and contribute to, is like a beacon of light in the darkness of the frozen wasteland. the frozen wasteland is something you may recognize in the story of the quest and search for the holy grail, the knight was confronted with, along with the broken sword. Anyone with some imagination may discover why such a state of reality would exist.
Going forward with the Airport Development Program and the various aero-industrial endeavours that can be integrated with that, we find that this is practical economic nationalism, a normal part of Canadian history and lifestyle. It may seem like an ultra-nationalist endeavour, even extremist and white nationalist, or traditional or whatever you may want to label it as, however in reality we have had considerable losses in many industries and enterprise and capabilities. We need to redevelop and rebuild industries and enterprise not only the national dream.
Now back to the brochure : :SEDI-brochure-inside-3.pdf & Strategic-promotion-4-trifold.pdf
Comeau Aerospace Inc. – CF-105 Arrow Incorporated – Orenda Engines Limited
Are these not large development projects? Even if they were, not much publicity going on there is there, is there?
Ok, even something with an initial vision and potential is worth to take a look at, the idea is to be a part of it.
Theoretically, someone in government somewhere could make it happen, right? Or is it “au contraire” “pro-rogue” do nothing, dream nothing, plan nothing, envision nothing, build nothing, achieve nothing, oh wait, other things get financed when the government is shut down. If there was one person with nationalist moral courage they would have that paved in a heart beat, of course, put out for tender, open competition, that would work. Problem solved…
Even more so, there are plenty of airports in the country that need work and infrastructure projects and ways to enable aero-industrial enterprise to build and create jobs, careers and commercial activities and be an asset to the community, right? The government can go back to selling an airport for $1.00 to the ultra-nationalist enterprise, and for the National Airport Development Program, and simply go from there, go forward. That may never happen….
Are these ultra-nationalist endeavours or simply someone with talent and ambition that just can’t stop creating and building? We believe that there is a lot more to the story, some of it an untold story, some of it heart and soul, and yes, Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy that we hinted about before, and definitely want to find out more…like is there something going on in government and private business that we don’t know about with all the “pro-rogue” going on? Can we get in on it one way or the other if it is or is’t? Sure thing, no problem.
We can sure speculate on that, as well as other geo-political events going on that requires us to have national defence and aerospace industries alive and well, and right now, someone really went out of their way to make it easy for the average citizen to get involved, and certainly those in government can make it obvious or not what they are doing. Maybe there is a way to create a conducive environment and rapport to go forward with this. Yes it’s true, nothing is perfect, however to do nothing is extremely risky and problematic and has not moved or resolved anything and as far as resolutions go, there are no resolutions except do nothing. Everyone wants it perfect, yet how many people want to jump in with both feet and get building, even in the simple world of making a contribution.
Luckily the ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north has expanded the vision and given us something that includes us, the average citizen, to be involved, have some encouragement and let us know it’s ok to dream again and build great things together. It seems to be, that it does not take a billionaire to do it, it takes a visionnaire, a visionary character, who no doubt prefers his fortress of solitude at times and surrounded by competent people with the kind of nationalist we can do anything we set our minds to, as we know from the story of the Avro Arrow. It was in the CBC movie Arrow, which was one of those things CBC did before it was ruined by anti nation state and cultural marxist genocide propaganda. Recapture that excitement, that thrill and pure exhilaration, a brand new emotion of aviation and aerospace, that’s what I’m talking about, writing about actually…
The National Airport Development Program has the advantage that everyday citizens can be involved and part of the solution, as many hands make light work, and even small contributions multiplied many times over can make all the difference in creating the future we can have by choice. That is the pro-active way, the acceptance of personal responsibility and being part of the solution to problems, and going beyond that in building something new that did not exist before. Beside contributing, private investment like is possible, especially with custom made specific securities, as a part of capital structure is available. The is more on the genius of the ultra-nationalist vision at For instance, serial bonds for real estate and building infrastructure projects, convertible bonds and common shares as well, nuke proof asset protection, all useful, especially from the ultra-nationalist Save Canada Defend Canada and rebuild the Made in Canada industrial base.
The pro-active route is better than, “let the government take care of it, the government will do it, get a billionaire to pay for it” all that kind of thinking and making excuses will not work, in fact, many airports have suffered as a result of government policy. In previous times, it was and is for the most part a federal jurisdiction, however, if the ownership of the airport is changed to a public company or private company, the resources may not be all there. So we need to improvise, and keep moving forward, keep inventing.
The National Airport Development Program is a private venture, yet having the aspects of PPP, private public partnership, and citizen engagement. This is great, for people and enterprise, and a way to generate greater innovation and progress in the Made in Canada realm as well as the adventure to fly anywhere you want realm. This is an interesting topic, as if we consider what has the Minister of Transportation Canada or any province done in the last 5 years or 20 years, it is not only aviation and aerospace that needs attention, we need to be an active part, a team player in the Save Canada Defend Canada movement, because if we don’t nobody else will, and if they do, we may not like it. So, we build the infrastructure to create the future we envision, a really awesome Canada, the land of true opportunity and potential for anyone to be involved in and experience awesomeness, adventure, productivity and prosperity on an unparalleled epic scale. Yes, big things start small, and now it is time to get started. Make it your mission today!
It feels like I just came out of hyperspace writing about this…
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What is your Economic Nationalism Portfolio doing now?
Hopefully citizens as well as some in government, the kind of people that can make things happen,
can be a part of the solution, the awesome Canada ideal that we can be a part of
and transform thought, ideas, vision and plans into reality…
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