Problems are temporary
It is not enough to acknowledge the problems, we need to have solutions, not only problem solving solutions, something a lot more creative solutions, nation building solutions. In this moment of frozen time, we will go beyond the problems associated with the article, Genocide : Canada vs Citizens, we endeavour to be pro-active, encouraging, something worth considering, ideas whose time has arrived, and this includes the average citizen as well as those in government, at least those who are interested in nation building, nation state sovereignty, where the real action is.
Isn’t it time to build something different? What will you do? Do nothing and let someone else do it? Let someone else be the patriot, courageous people who put it all out on the line, all in boots on the ground, with no risk to you? No challenge, courage or moral courage either. Let someone else be the economic nationalist? Without investing a dollar in Made in Canada? Let someone else invest, with no risk to you? No reward either, no revenue stream, no status, no vip, only counterfeit lifestyle social media that has no real adventure and life of nation building. Will yo get involved, be pro-active and do more than just dream? You can dream right, imagine the future of an awesome Canada? What do you think that would be like, what do you imagine? Eh? Good question…Will you defend Canada? Or will you help people to defend Canada with the convenient moral and financial support or contribution or investment, or will you let the government continue to take care of it? Or go forward, be pro-active, action and effort, unified purposeful effort?
Another reality check
The government you say? Really, the government will fix it? Will you vote for someone else this time, they will fix it, yes, with more genocide, they are all in on the genocide of Canada, some better than others, some on different aspects, really, it is all genocide, you didn’t get what you voted for, which was the lie, when are you going to vote for the truth, when do you accept personal responsibility to make a difference, or act as if it all counts on you, there is nobody else?
What happens when you find out God isn’t coming to save you, and you allowed the enemy to genocide and slaughter you everywhere all the time, with endless genocide? What if God doesn’t help you, simply because God helps those who help themselves, that means initiative, effort not excuses, lots of effort. Or what happens when you discover that religion is a PsyOp to control you, and other religions want to kill you do, their right to hate and genocide you, to keep you from exercising your incredible human potential, the potential to exercise powerful freedom of choice, the power to make a difference in your own particular individual way.
Imagine, awareness and vision, the knowledge of knowing that there are people who have been working at it for a long time, this nation building idea, they really make it easy for you to make a decision. Yes we know social media and anti family values and cultural genocide TV and entertainment and the phone is a hard drug engaged in mind control, the kind of mind control against you the individual, do nothing, dream of nothing, achieve nothing, be nothing, build nothing, no adventure, no exploration and discovery of the awesome place called Canada, no enthusiasm or pure exhilaration from doing something awesome.
Now, Imagine what it would be like to live with heart and soul, the real life, everyday adventure, the kind you have been defrauded from with endless entertainment and cell phones, things that don’t have true vale, and everything at the whim of others, superficial hocus pocus. Why not something real? Something Awesome? Something like daring adventure or the thrill of building something magnificent? What about that, the magnificent you, your life, your family, your community, your country? Build like no tomorrow, build like you have a hundred years, build without limits, build with unlimited imagination, build with courage, resourceful and tenacity.
There is more to do – a lot more :
Create, co-create, pro-create, yes, true family values, build awesome character, have integrity, be altruistic, be loyal and experience loyalty, have trust and be trust worthy, be optimistic, get up when you feel beat down, run with heart and soul, build a new machine, build a new you, re-invent your life, re-invent your country, redevelop and rebuild the national dream and do more than just dream, live the greatest adventure of all time…your country and future is counting on you, please leave nothing to chance, today is your day, today is when you decide, no more procrastination, no more excuses, no more indecisiveness, no more lost opportunity, no more regrets, no more fear and doubt, break free, no more mind control to stop you in your quest, no more laying down to die, with another beat down, no more, it is time to invent, build, create, have adventure, a life of peace experience, isn’t that a whole lot more up to speed, power and excitement?
If the ultra-nationalist had an extra-ordinary vision, would you be interested? If the magnitude of vision was presented so you would have the idea would you care? Is it possible, there are limited resources, time and money to make those presentations of considerable sophistication like those in marketing and graphic arts, digital arts, what if the ultra-nationalist needs you, to make a difference. Would you be only critical of one thing or another or look and learn, be informed, be inspired and motivated to be a part of that endeavour?
The ultra-nationalist did not start out that way, he was simply a nationalist who want more Made in Canada.
The vision started with Capital Vault Incorporated, and has a good background intro perspective in the Ultimate Canadian Century, (we will write more about that) then expanded with Strategic Enterprise Development Inc. many related companies and the greater magnitude of vision that simply kept growing over time, and now it would be more useful than ever, the right thing at the right time. The story is incredible and intriguing, an idea whose time has arrived, maybe now, it is time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their country…
Would you care if the ultra-nationalist was a billionaire, a multi-billionaire or not? What if he was a simple man, a man from a small town with a big dream, an awesome dream, and awesome vision in fact, what would you do? What if the ultra-nationalist was simply a contractor, would you care, what if he was a humble man, yet caring and altruistic with integrity, maybe even a peasant, no big flash, yet someone with heart and soul, would that change your point of view?
What if you discovered the ultra-nationalist started with very little in life, and dared to live his dream, to transform vision into reality, what if he started with health and intelligence and challenging environment, who worked physically with an industrious work ethic, that would be realistic and normal right. What if you knew he was big on family and family values, does he have a family of his own, or has he had one, what about now, is he looking for the mystery goddess and future wife, does anyone know? Down to earth and yet visionary, someone that cares about people and the future of Canada, that is it in a nutshell as the saying goes, the vision, gadgets and companies, that’s a bonus.
What if the ultra-nationalist had his own problems to deal with? Insecurities, self doubt, frustration, discouragement, rejection, inability to get people to co-operate, yes, tricky co-operation is, with money or without, how does anyone make a difference with an ultra-nationalist whether he is a billionaire or not? Good question. Does the ultra-nationalist have money problems? Does he have people problems, does he have family problems? Does he experience grief and pain, or is he carefree and happy go lucky? Does he have a good relationship with God, or does he feel alienated and alone with an unsurmountable challenges of everyday life? Does he ever suffer from a beat down or do things always or almost always go right, genius right, always making good decisions, brilliant decisions, is that possible, divine revelation and genius of the super conscious mind, peak performance and super achievement, is that even possible?
What if the ultra-nationalist had all kinds of credentials, not only dollars signs, or none, would it make a difference, what if he didn’t have credentials, what if he was an extra-ordinary visionary person, what if he could see into the future with great detail? How would that change or effect your viewpoint, would that intrigue you?
Visionary capacity may include time travel, astral travel, certainly understanding trends and probabilities, and easier to make a prediction if you are the one doing it. Create the future, after all, he invented what is called the Alternate Reality Creation Engine, that takes imagination…
Can anyone really do that, look into the future. After all having a magnitude of vision that is comprehensive and astounding would be intriguing right? Would you care if he didn’t have billions or credentials, and appreciate him for the visionary character that he is, what he gives and presents to Canada and Canadians, would that be worth more than anything?
The vision to Save Canada and Defend Canada, does that take a lot of thought and understanding, wisdom and genius, true visionary genius? Is that worth something to you? Have you any experience with people who have empathy, vision, dynamism, enthusiasm, who put out the effort and not make excuses, that everyday they keep inventing, even if somethings don’t work out right away, they keep going forward? Heart and soul, that is what we are writing about today. Things like tenacity, resourcefulness, persistence, never give up, keep going forward, isn’t that what everyone should be like? Down to earth, get to work, get it done, yes, that is an industrious work ethic, no more endless distractions on things that don’t matter, pure focus, applied physics of make it happen…
At sometimes we like to write about the ultra-nationalist billionaire, the mystery man, the ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north, and really, the person is important as the vision, and anyone writing nearly 20,000 hours in enterprise organization and describing that vision in detail, from corporate organization, capital structure and securities, products and services, advanced technology and industry, that takes vision and dedication.
Yes, and to do more than just dream, make those plans, have the vision, describe it in great detail, even if its not perfect, do the best with what you have and know, learn and grow, and what is always interesting, everything includes YOU the individual, solid quality, good paying, family rated jobs and careers, the promise of a much greater quality of life and an awesome country of Canada that we can have by choice.
You see, relevant options allow real freedom of choice, a chance to get involved make a difference, that really is amazing, that is not your average sociopathic genocide maniac billionaire is it like everyone else has, right? Not in Canada, we have something a whole lot different, we have character. Save Canada, protect and rebuild industry and enterprise, save the individual too, everyone counted, nobody is expendable, totally different. That takes character.
Character on solid ground – O Canada we stand on guard for thee
Canada’s ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north is not a control freak, maybe he is not a really good CEO, maybe he is, maybe simply overloaded, maybe not, maybe incredible focused, maybe distracted, who can say, does anyone know? The ultra-nationalist mystery man may still be enigmatic, maybe not, certainly he is not a technocratic genocide maniac that is involved with surveillance and mind control and taking away your freedom, on the contrary, he despises all that and has no problem with the total destruction of anything that shows up in the national security threats radar, no wonder he is called the real minister of national defence, probably the official one does not even know the mystery man, or would even have time or want to acknowledge that genius, even if it meant saving Canada, Defend Canada, rebuilding the National Defence Capability and industrial infrastructure, can’t have that, only foreign occupied government and people engaged in genocide against everything Canadian, prove it otherwise. Let’s start with Made in Canada, let’s talk about that in the future which waits for you to catch up.
No surprise there, people in government and everyday people can be weird, the bad evil villain must all be narcissists, and certainly don’t want anyone else to have the attention, or recognition or credit or anything, it is weird, to be fair, the ultra-nationalist mystery man would not want to do business with a bunch of traitors and genocide maniacs in government either, certainly not with those well versed in genocide and anti nation sate sovereignty and other treasonous treachery. Then of course there is mass media owned controlled, voted, edited and censored by enemies foreign and domestic, it is not likely that the ultra-nationalist would ever get much attention or positive comments, no, only total censorship, and that’s ok, we have the exclusive here at before it’s news as they say…which will only prove the point, so we don’t have conspiracy theories we have conspiracy facts and truth and yes certainly opinions, lucky us.
Look at social media, television, magazines, radio, who talks about nation building? or the ultra-nationalist Canadian? Anyone else with nothing really good to say, no problem, anyone with genius and brilliant ideas, hmmm, not so lucky there. Do people get jealous, or just don’t care? Maybe PR and publicity would work, maybe not, anyone that busy has no time for publicity stunts, and certainly not commenting on how other countries should run their affairs, and not your life either, no the focus is on something else…
We write about the ultra-nationalist, that is important for Canadians to know, going beyond the censorship of mainstream media, social media and endless distractions and super imposed genocide of all kinds, we want a different future, a real future, not one where we have been totally defrauded and ruined, we want an awesome Canada, we want Made in Canada, and really, there is not a lot of people talking about all or little of that, and certainly not in such comprehensive detail and magnitude of vision. So in effect, knowing that is a zillion miles in another direction, the everything awesome direction, that’s what we are talking about. Yes, there are things we need to know about and tell people, some of it is bad news, however there is always a way out a way forward, and brilliant imagination of the ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north is on it 24/7 lucky us.
At we like to introduce various writers and organizations that are favourable to economic nationalism, nation building, nation state sovereignty, ethnocentric revitalization, building better government, fixing those problems and going forward. There are many genius people in Canada, very aware and competent, people that know history and geo-politics and what has gone on and is going on, we hope we can find ways to promote and unify that into something dynamic, purposeful and life transforming, in consciousness, awareness, vision and pro-active living. That is worthwhile, noble and full of challenge and reward, altruistic and needed. We welcome others to get involved and make a difference, any way you can.
Would you care or not one way or the other without a fair inquiry, into what the ultra-nationalist has to say, after all, nobody in government is talking about nation building, what have they done lately, anything come to mind, anything exciting, awesome and thrilling? Is anyone there in government or political party with a plan, a vision, a comprehensive plan, or endless excuses, criticisms, narcissistic rivalry that is incapable or co-operation on a most basic level such as national security or the health, prosperity and well being of citizens, with optimism and encouragement, everyday important things we all appreciate. Is there anyone with genius that you recognize, is there anyone you would respect, have understanding with or a really good sense of rapport? Could you go beyond the PsyOp of what you think you are presented with, and discover the true character and nature of someone, in public office or enterprise, what difference would that make to you? How would that change your life?
What if the ultra-nationalist was so incredibly a person of integrity and altruism, a man of great integrity and self sacrifice, is that noble and honourable to you? Character, loyalty, self sacrifice, stoic in fact, not a life of ease and luxury, no, we find someone happy with simple things, always encouraging others to express the best of who they are, to rise above the challenges in life and excel, learn and grow, to dare to dream, to keep going forward, Who would care? That would be a good encouraging roll model, right, at least something many people are involved in and value. That is what we need, people that add value, not only in the supply chain of productivity, value in government and everyday life, that life that transforms life, with a revitalized ultra-nationalist vision.
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