Canada’s Ultra-nationalist billionaire : sovereign payment system

Start with an open mind point of view:

At, we would like to continue our research with brilliant ideas, relevant facts, truth and yes the hidden truth, the untold truth and censored and suppressed history, and the suppressed technology, as there is a lot we can learn from all of that, and to acknowledge the reality that we are not getting the whole story, maybe one side of it, while others cannot get a word in edgewise.

The story of Canada’s Ultra-nationalist billionaire is one of those intriguing aspects of the suppressed Canadian psyche that remains hidden and not discussed much, certainly not on the mainstream news that is anti nation state and aligned against anything but the official narrative, but then again, so are many national security secrets, brilliant ideas and stories of typical Canadian entrepreneurs and enterprise, especially those who represent the average citizen, from a small town with big dreams, quietly working away, diligently, dedicated and resourceful to survive and keep going, looking after their people, family and friends, their customers and staying alive with the dreams in their heart and soul.

Now we will look into a little more of some of the ideas and capabilities of Canada’s Ultra-nationalist billionaire, the extremely down to earth mystery man, the ghost in the new Defend Canada Machine, who takes the President Trump “economic force” threats seriously and wastes zero time in defence of Canada. The very serious issue of Payment Systems…

Sovereign Payment Systems

Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation, presents some really interesting and useful ideas that are in many ways pro-active and time travel related, from someone that knows reality and sees the future, and already has he bases covered, in this case it is the Sovereign Payment System, which is a dynamic solution in the arsenal of democracy, especially in regards to threats of economic force. A simple solution, a global payment infrastructure, only this is not based on CBDC of electronic only money, something real.


Pro-Active & Countermeasures to :
“Economic Force” terrorism and war vector scenarios

✰ new payment systems : national & international;
✰ new credit card infrastructure;
✰ Treasury Reserves : industry, money, securities, resources, gold;
✰ Ultimate Commerce : money, securities, metals & minerals exchange,
✰ buy, sell, trade, contract, interbank, global asset logistics;
✰ Local currency & trade systems, foreign exchange of local currency, commodities;
✰ sovereign communication & logistics system for hard currency and assets;

✰ reduction in foreign currency dependency, various geo-political risks,
✰ prosperity from productivity not plundering;
✰ store value, facilitate trade, a medium of exchange;
✰ for national and international commerce with the participating members;
✰ Augment and amplify the Canadian non traditional reserve currency;
✰ Enable, augment and amplify alternative, local and sovereign currency;

All good ideas and some brilliant ideas, not only for trade between countries, benefits to the common citizen are integrated. An international payment infrastructure is useful for doing  more direct trade with other countries, with the Canadian dollar and the currency of the other country or an alternate currency. The transactions go beyond simply a messaging system for currency only, it can include a larger asset base of financial instruments, corporate securities, trade in resources, including, gold, silver, aluminum, steel, anything really, and other products. The best part with trade, buying and selling is not required, it’s optional, along with more creative and custom commercial solutions.

As a result a more independent monetary policy and transaction capability that can be realized with greater agility in commercial transactions, without having no options except to pay a premium in buying or paying in the US dollar reserve currency. After all, the “economic force” threat involves money, financial systems and technology, payment systems, cross border and international trade, so alternatives are a strategic, tactical and operational advance in commerce and trade, and political agility to protect the industrial economic trade system, with less geo-political interference. With the increased reality of alternative currencies, sovereign currency and a more assertive pro-nationalist national and international landscape, having that kind of interoperability enables greater productivity, wealth and prosperity to be generated.

Remember, if we can, and we can, sell oil direct, we can sell anything else also, we don’t need intermediaries, especially financial payment infrastructure or the fact that they benefit from insider intel and the currency and exchange controls, we don’t need to use as much foreign currency, we can buy with our own currency, countries selling here can also accept Canadian currency, you want american dollars, sell to america. A payment infrastructure like SWIFT which can be turned on and off, just like we can turn off the power to a tool, generator or light switch, so we must be prepared, even though, theoretically all we need to do is secure the border and spend more on national defence, no problem. No tariffs, except for the terrorist threats of annexing Canada….economic force? that includes international payment infrastructure, aren’t we lucky?

International Trade

The Intergalactic Securities – Sovereign Payment Systems and related infrastructure, that is promoted, also leads to the idea of the International Trade & Development Agency, where mutually beneficial trade and commerce can be done that is more ethical, not the globalist plunder and extraction method, impossible to pay loans, resource extraction and the destruction and total pollution of the environment and people, enslaved.

International currency and trade relations is already a problem and the Americans see the writing on the wall of challenges to hegemony, which is primarily by the BRICs and alternative payment and currencies utilized for international commerce including country to country. Yes, certainly the petro-dollars, and financing a globe spanning empire with the exchange rate and being the reserver currency that is a debt created fiat currency not backed by gold of all things, could be a problem, what could go wrong? It is not only that, but also the total moral decline of America, unless there really are white hats rectifying the great evil of America, and the astounding mind boggling debt of nearly $37 trillion and $210 trillion unfunded liabilities.

Extreme Global derivative gambling debts

Furthermore, as if that is not enough to consider, the super mind boggling magnitude of the globalist global derivative gambling market, $700 trillion? more than 6,000 times than all the money in the world, which exposes about 6 of Canada’s big banks, which can be a problem for Canada. Yes, that is so much better than investing in Made in Canada, hurray for the de-industrialization and de-populations agenda, aren’t we lucky? WEF, WHO, UN yes everyone all at once, how is that for economic force…it’s a numbers game, sure bankruptcy is inevitable only because the debt created money has been super imposed on the world, with the super tragic result that we are not in….Sovereign currency and sovereign payment system with totally neutralize any terrorist threats and actions of “economic force” – Imagine what the former Bank of Canada Governor Graham Towers would say and do, we only need to look at history, real history, not revised history.

Canada at the crossroads:

Canada can build a new industrial economic and enterprise engine for growth and prosperity, however some things need to change big time. The Bank of Canada, could have debt free currency, we had that before, Canada was productive and prosperous, without all the crime, drug and homeless problems, or the mass invasion, immigration white replacement demographic war sponsored by the traitor in chief and considerable collusion with enemies foreign and domestic, ya, the truth is not racist is it…consider what happened in 1974 with the Bank of Canada, anyone reading care to comment? We have been defrauded of the awesomeness of Canada with debt created money of Treasury Bonds and international finance, interest payments and policies that do not represent economic nationalism or thoughtful patriotism in a dynamic industrial economic landscape conducive to nation building, national defence, infrastructure, industry or enterprise.

It is not well known, however about 95% of the debt is from interest, and where does that interest go? Ask the Bank of Canada, ask the Government of Canada, somebody somewhere knows something, right? What ever happened to the promise and idea that the GST revenue would pay off the national debt? That didn’t happen. What about carbon tax? Sovereign money is debt free, that enables a sovereign monetary policy and economic system. What happened to nation building, developing the north, trains, aircraft, shipping and world trade with Made in Canada, why all Made in China? Because of the debt created dollar. Is mismanagement and treason a big problem, or simply lack of vision and moral courage to make Canada awesome.

Foreign countries around the world

Countries and people around the world want to prosper, they don’t want their leaders assassinated if they don’t sell out and betray their country and people, people want to have hope, not give away their life and resources, enslaved by criminal and unethical deals, even money, there is not enough sovereign money in the world, real equity that buys real goods and services. Of course, we are confronted with the problem about foreign occupied governments around the world, or the leadership and governing agents that create or acquire unimaginable debt and payment arrangements that result in the total plundering of their resources and destruction of the environment, and the people are not better off for it, and the few all in on it have their money in the not truly neutral territory of Switzerland, with all the gold and money, while the people starve, get sick, enslaved and die, such is the history of this planet, actually backwards and obsolete, and nothing like the age of Aquarius that was predicted long ago, maybe we are not there yet, but almost…

Reality check into the boards…

Canada’s ultra-nationalist genius is the way forward, after all, has anyone in any political party or government talked about that to any detail? Especially now with the Trump terrorist tariff threats and economic force of destruction. The hammer of the earth eh? Hmmm It is amazing how many people don’t understand the basic financial reports in accounting, never mind the balance of international trade, in Canada, it was at one time the normal state of relations that Canadians buy about 10 times more per person than america, even though America is about 10 times bigger in population. Most of the trade deficit is from oil, America buys about 60% of their imported oil from Canada, we have excellent oil, however, we can sell that elsewhere, create more oil & petro chemical industries as was discussed previously. The reality is, the border and drugs is a big problem, and problems are only temporary if we deal with it, with pro-active dynamic solutions that go beyond problem solving and create something new, an awesome Canada.

In a previous article at we were able to look at some of the challenges and opportunities that exist, especially in the context of Canadian economics, enterprise and industry and the challenges about nation state sovereignty and in consideration of the “terrorist threats” from President Trump and the use of “economic force” Naturally, like many Canadians, who do we look for, when especially the government and political establishment has lost considerable credibility, most people would like to home in on a beacon, the guiding light through the fog of complex geo-political and national defence, as well as the clouds of doubt, doom and despair, all the grief and stress from the loose cannons south of the border, who begins to show his “true colors” .

Now, it appears we have something practical and doable and even visionary, audacity and genius to cut the the fog of war and overwhelming anxiety of the unknown. So what, we make decisions and go forward, we know more than enough and we can change he dynamics of the future, right here and now, today, and all it takes is the individual citizen to make a difference, as at this point, it is hard to have trust and confidence and co-operation with those who have been so hostile to us.

Rogue government and politicians

Our challenges are not too different than dealing with a narcissist (and an individual or nation can be narcissistic) that is mean, bitter, vindictive, self entitled, jealous, hostile,  lying, deceptive, divisive and manipulative or anything else, we make that obsolete. People with no conscience are predictable, and we can guess what they might do, and knowing those who have no conscience or those with allegiance to a foreign master, are already rogue, which it totally different than an ultra-nationalist, which is altruistic, devoted, ethical and reasonable, where economic nationalism is normal, and selling out and betraying the country is not a badge of honour, but total treason and high treason as we have seen and experienced. So we need to be careful dealing with neocons and warmongers and deep state, all those that President Trump talked about against, and yet, hidden in plane sight, another lie and deception, it would be easy for him to ruin America as anywhere else…

Creative opportunities in challenge and reward

It would be genius to have relevant practical options in advance, and simply a matter of time before more people participate in an alternate advanced economic system and reduce foreign intelligence and banking attacks on industrial, economic, enterprise and individuals capacity for a more sovereign nation state and sovereign individual. To invest or contribute to the cause and effect of greater financial autonomy and freedom that can go worldwide with mutually beneficial ethical trade conducive to long term commercial relations of plenty of room for growth for new, expanded markets and creative enterprise development and business capability.

In conclusion

So how does that work, a sovereign payment system? Like any bank card and virtual or dedicated terminal computer,  a sovereign bank, sovereign currency and an integrated network of corresponding banks. As an ultra-nationalist Defend Canada endeavour, we control, we benefit, we are the masters of international trade, we build solid trade and commerce, we have more ethical mutually beneficial business, we generate more sold quality good paying family jobs, as a start. We can have better revenue streams for the government treasury, more accountable and responsible, more opportunities for direct business with enterprise, less foreign currency that is hostile and at war against us, reduction of some imperialistic threats, new understanding and respect, perhaps a new appreciation for others and more conscientious in business, national and international trade, as well as something very important, the ownership and control of our resources, our business relationships, trade and currency with the sovereign payment system in place.

Keep on winning and leave nothing to chance, eh! We have a long way to go and a short time to get there…

The Sovereign Payment System is another solid step in the right direction to Defend Canada and create a more productive and prosperous Canada. Citizens need to know this and be a part of it, if politicians and government does anything it will be a miracle, back to basics, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee….and it is time to stand solid, unified, confident and capable.

For those who are interested in learning more about debt free currency and especially new payment systems which really expands upon in greater detail the problems in existing payment systems and global commerce and some geo-political aspects worth considering, not only in regards to industrial, economic, currency warfare, also the “economic force” and the challenges that would be presented to enterprise and international trade, please see :

SUGGESTED CITATION (read the background story)

Kazi, D. and Haglund, A. (2024). Beyond Dollar Dominance. New money and payment systems for a multipolar world. Positive Money. Available at: beyond-dollar-dominance


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