Is Canada’s MAiD Training Program a Gateway to the ‘Canadian Cull’? – Unraveling the Controversy

In a world where a government-backed “MAiD training program” raises eyebrows, we must ask: Is Canada paving the way for a new era of state-sanctioned, easy-peasy euthanasia? With healthcare professionals being groomed to follow orders like well-trained dogs, it’s almost as if Canada is trying to set a record for the highest euthanasia rate per…

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Is the Canadian MAID Program Really Assisted Suicide or Just “Euthanasia Lite”?

Is the Canadian MAID program, the epitome of “assisted suicide” or just a sneaky way of packaging “euthanasia lite”? With medical professionals playing the role of life’s grim reapers, government-approved suicide prevention for some while others are left with no say – talk about selective life and death! And hey, let’s not forget the cherry…

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