A mini nuke for C-63

A mini nuke for C-63 Observations & Analysis : Observations and analysis of C-63 related to the corresponding illegal hate speech laws that represent oppression and tyranny, religious and racial acts of aggression, enemy combatants, enemies foreign and domestic, double agents engaged in treason and high treason, direct and proxy warfare and collusion with other…

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Canada’s ultra-nationalist vision : Education, Trade and Technology Development Program

Once upon a time… Looking at the idea of education, we find that it is a provincial jurisdiction. Considering all the problems we have with the so called education system, we have other options to consider. We have Canada’s Ultra-nationalist vision, it is the vision that sees with incredible perspective, awareness, perception, into reality and…

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Genocide : Canada vs Citizens

Reality does more than bite: Genocide is a favourite pastime of the federal government simply by observation: Multiculturalism Act : white genocide, white replacement, anti white, immigration, invasion, asylum, migration, super imposed genocide destruction of the white Canadian founding people, ethnocentric warfare; microwave and 5G bio-weapons, super imposed genocide, with little or no recourse; the…

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