Personnel deficit is a stressor, The workload is a stressor, Too much to do & not enough time & resources is a stressor, and being Bogged down with little things that are not the main thing is a stressor.
Urgent & timely tasks with interference and distraction are stressors
Focused proactive mission tasking is not a stressor
No reaction no stress
Proactive is empowering
Some stressors can be conducive to real measurable progress learning and growth.
Stressors can be a test for strength & resolution to succeed or a test against weakness incompetence faults & flaws, the acceptance of failure, or inadequate states or capabilities.
Relax and imagine you have time resources personnel & focus with a sequential or simultaneous applied effort to not only solve problems but going forward create something new.
Being dedicated to continuous growth & improvement in personal & professional character & competence is essential.
Luckily I have a plan for all that and more, providence synchronicity and the existence of the unknown variance with the resolution to succeed make all the difference.