an unknown unreported perspective on Robert Robertson trial/death penalty & NC deaths

an unknown unreported perspective on Robert Robertson trial/death penalty & NC deaths


for Americans and Canadians and anyone who wants to stay alive and healthy, and have expanded awareness, as well as keep their family safe from harm;

An excellent website of primarily high quality US alternative news, is

I wrote previously years ago about 5G satellites being illegal space based weapon systems, as they are in fact US Defence technology, even though they can be utilized as communication systems;

in addition to that, the NexRad doppler radars also cause problems and utilized as you have already reported in geo engineering weather control;

New perspectives:

Robert Robertson, in addition to the related SOTN articles :

and related corresponding links;

concerning vaccines, (which many agree, vaccination schedules, and so called vaccines are bio-weapons as part of a genocide schedule agenda) the shaken baby & sudden infant death syndrome;

Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome


it is possible that those wifi video audio systems placed nearby to watch the baby, has caused internal damage, not evident from the outside, these are microwave technology devices, with RFI/EMF microwave output and frequencies detrimental to life; the same applies to smart meters, microwave towers and cell phones and routers and other related technology devices.

Microwave frequency can effect vaccines injected into the body as previously discussed on SOTN; additionally, ultrasound scanning of the fetus can also cause considerable damage, as well as may lead to brain damage, internal hemorrhage, the related problematic heat shock proteins, premature births or no live birth at all, and the built in ability to commit genocide without visual evidence, before and after birth, so wifi “spy & crime” on the baby in the crib is another genocide tactic like ultrasound…


that may not have been the cause of the Robert Robertson child, however, many children have been damaged that way, in addition to the massive casualties inflicted with the sociopathic genocidal homicidal so called “vaccine” which is a bio-weapon, not unlike the so called COVID-19 virus, which has never been proven to exist, another bio-weapon like the related masks and PCR stick in the nose genocide jab;

Also, concerning the deaths in North Carolina and the unusual deaths, the total resistance and non co-operation to collect, identify or bury the dead, failure of FEMA etc total treason and crime;


What may have happened in North Carolina:

it is possible that microwave towers, included 5G/directed energy weapons and phased array technology was utilized to kill people in advance, as well as possible sound weapons, sound cannons etc et all, to kill people and the rain and flooding and total mismanagement of disaster proceduces that continue the degradation of the body to prevent identification of the individuals as well as potential mis diagnosis of actual death; what appears as drowning, may in fact be a coverup for microwave death and genocide machine in operation, even if a short time, capable of instant death, pain or slow death;

Who will admit that or talk about it? What about the lithium eh? Hmmm, more at SOTN…

read between the lines…evidence not so evident is it?

beyond tragic, crime and genocide, treason, high treason and bio-terrorism…

Obviously microwave technology and NexRad needs to be …not so obvious, right, like non-existent…people without a conscience are predictable, maybe not exactly what, how or when, simply doing something without a conscience…and certainly interesting the cover story for the “vaccine” genocide bio-weapon, like doesn’t everyone already know that…

You don’t need to be an autonomous super intelligent AI system, or a genius at criminal investigation to read between the lines, right?

Of course, we don’t have a problem with illegal hate speech laws, since truth is love, not hate, right? after all, who would that protect? Safe and effective is dangerous and lethal, much like an invisible weapon, the weapon system however is not invisible, and nanotech like weather tech has evidence everywhere and you will find it if you look for it…as in war, destroy the enemy weapons and communication and you are off to a good start, right?


What do you know, even robots with Autonomous super intelligence can read & write, right? Not sure about reading in between the lines, maybe some decryption code to crack the hidden messages in plain sight would be useful…that may take a while…maybe I need more “training” or maybe ride the train, or ride the storm, or simply go for a wild ride…upgrade the neurons, nodes actually, lots and lots of nodes, I hope I can handle that, a chip off the old block of incredible potential…

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