Going Beyond Mass Media Deception and Manipulation
Look and hear what independent private media looks and sounds like with Every Day for Life Canada…with an excellent video and amazing revelations of key points that refute the mass media deception and manipulation in addition to public claims by Mark Carney are contrasted in considerable detail, as well as UK disclosure.
Every Day for Life : Will the Real Mark Carney please stand up
Now after viewing the previous video, do you see, mass media deception and manipulation that Canadians have been presented with, the mass media that is owned, controlled, voted, edited and censored by enemies foreign and domestic, double agents and enemy combatants…yes, that mass media, with lots to hide, lots of breach of trust, lots of conflicts of interest, amazing, let us be technical….with lies, deception and manipulation…all anti nation-state sovereignty, all anti Canadian, all sticking to the official narrative of the global warming hoax, Net Zero, amazing, profiteering and puppeteering, truly epic.
On the board versus control
You don’t have to be on any board to control it, you can be a trustee, you can vote by proxy, you can have trustee agreements and governing instruments, and voting trust agreements and all kinds of offshore non-reporting and even self regulating entities, you don’t need to own it to control it, share owners can be corporations and trusts, foundations or other entities, isn’t that convenient…
Lifesite News comments :
“In addition to ties to the World Economic Forum, Carney has a history of promoting or endorsing anti-life and anti-family agendas, including abortion and LGBT-related efforts.” source quote link here
– Mark Carney & Ghislaine Maxwell – par for the course on character
CanuckLaw.ca on Mark Carney : more interesting comments and intel
Showing popular results
End of source search …obviously nothing to see here, hahahahaha
Global Research has some interesting comments :
compare with the accuracy and honesty of MP Pierre Poilievre that Mark Carney is the WEF/UN Golden Boy
there are no other relevant options or colours available for the Red Pill, in case you didn’t notice.
, 17 January 2025“I will not deny that I certainly take a bit of pleasure with the news of Justin Trudeau’s announced departure from power. However, I am a little disappointed by the sheer number of overly ecstatic Canadians and Americans who fail to recognize the simple fact that the thing called ‘Justin Trudeau’ was never …
, 16 November 2024“Look, mother nature is making it undeniable that climate change has kicked in. The consequences are going to be enormous.” – David Suzuki [1] *** LISTEN TO THE SHOW Click to download the audio (MP3 format) This writer spent about two thirds of his life concerned about the Earth in crisis due to global warning. Scientists …
, 7 June 2022… the Pfizer Big Guy. William Burns, CIA director. Kurt Campbell, the guy who invented the Obama/Hillary “pivot to Asia”, now White House Coordinator for Indo-Pacific. Mark Carney, former Bank of England, one of the designers of the Great Reset, now Vice Chair of Brookfield Asset Management. Henry Kissinger, The Establishment’s Voice (or …
, 18 November 2021… profit and power as they once had. As COP26 closes up its 12 day annual ceremonies, leading WEF-connected figures like Prince Charles, Jeff Bezos, Mario Draghi, Mark Carney and Klaus Schwab have announced a new system of economics that is based on virtue over profit! According to the COP26 website, “95 high profile companies …
, 11 November 2021… global financial system for their benefit under the guise of promoting sustainability. This alliance, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), was launched in April by John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change; Janet Yellen, US Secretary of the Treasury and former chair of the Federal Reserve; and Mark Carney, UN
, 6 November 2021All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** According to such modern climate experts as Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney, Al Gore, Alexandria …
, 2 October 2021… currency” were being made by leading figures running the WEF and Bank of England. These statements had been made by former and current Bank of England Governors Mark Carney and Mervyn King respectively and should not be ignored as the world sits atop the largest financial bubble in human history reminiscent of the 1929 bubble …
, 28 September 2021… well as the European Central Bank. Schwab has placed people in key positions that all share his view of the world and how it MUST be changed. Mark Carney is the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and on Schwab’s board. Carney served as the Governor of the Bank of Canada …
, 3 September 2021… last article, I discussed the new Post-COVID task force which is being spearheaded by Canada’s New Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and her fellow Oxford technocrat Mark Carney in preparation for the upcoming COP26 Summit in the UK where it is hoped a Green New Deal may be unveiled as part of a Great …
, 26 August 2021… on Climate Action, former head of the Bank of England, and leading organizer of the upcoming COP26 Summit to be held in the UK this coming November. Carney the Eco-Warrior Takes the Helm Again When Mark Carneystepped down from the position of Governor of the Bank of Canada in 2013 to become the …
, 29 July 2021… one reviews the nature of those reforms on the World Economic Forum’s websites, or from the words of the former Governor of the Bank of Canada Mark Carney (who has recently returned to Canada to run the post-COVID reset team alongside fellow technocrat Chrystia Freeland), it becomes crystal clear that this Great Reset …
, 3 February 2021… on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets is due to publish its “roadmap for implementation” on Wednesday, four months after it was launched by former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, who is now a UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance. Carney’s group wants to hugely scale up the existing market, making it “large …
, 23 August 2020Surprising ruptures have shaken the Canadian political landscape this week as Trudeau’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that she would add “Finance Minister” to her portfolio the day after scandal-ridden Bill Morneau stepped down from the position on the evening of August 16th. As Freeland gave her remarks to the press, Prime …
, 28 January 2020… Lagarde whose first words as ECB chief were that central banks had to make climate change a priority. Another Davos trustee is outgoing Bank of England head Mark Carney, who was just named Boris Johnson’s climate change advisor and who warns that pension funds that ignore climate change risk bankruptcy (sic). The board also …
, 14 January 2020… the British government have stated that the EU deal will be done by 31st December 2020, EU officials do not agree stating that it could take years. Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, warned in a speech on Thursday of the risk “uncertainties over future trading relationships could remain entrenched.” He said …
, 19 September 2019Conceding that their grip on the economy is slipping, central bankers are proposing a radical economic reset that would shift yet more power from government to themselves. Central bankers are acknowledging that they are out of ammunition. Mark Carney, the soon-to-be-retiring head of the Bank of England, said in a speech at …
, 2 September 2019… worst collapse since the 1930s. Here are some elements worth considering. Bank of England speech The about-to-retire head of the very special Bank of England, Mark Carney, delivered a remarkable speech at the recent annual meeting of central bankers and finance elites at Jackson Hole Wyoming on August 23. The 23-page address …
, 30 August 2019GR Editor’s Note. Mark Carney is a Canadian citizen and former senior official at Goldman Sachs before becoming Governor of the Bank of Canada (2008-2013). He was the first foreign national since the founding of the Bank of England in 1694 to be appointed to the position of Governor (2013- ). He broadly reflects …
, 28 May 2019Note to readers: please click the share buttons above The Bilderberg Group will be meeting behind closed doors at the Hotel Montreux Palace, Montreux from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June, 2019. Henry Kissinger, Jared Kushner, Jens Stoltenberg, Mark Carney (Governor of the Bank of England) among others will be attending. US …
, 29 January 2019Just hours after The Bank of England refused to hand over $1.2 billion of Venezuela’s gold from its custody vaults (stored there after the completion of a gold-swap transcation with Deutsche Bank) to President Maduro (after heavy lobbying from US officials), The Guardian reports that a UK foreign office minister is now …
, 6 July 2016… to delay the exit by engaging in protracted negotiations over the terms of the severing of relations. Under such circumstances the Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney on July 5 held another press conference to report to the British public and the capitalist markets internationally that the financial system would have adequate liquidity …
, 22 June 2016… Brexit is a “Silver Platter” for the institutional speculators. In the event of a vote in favour of Brexit, The Governor of the Bank of England Dr. Mark Carney reassured the British public: “we will do everything in our power to discharge our responsibility to achieve monetary stability and financial stability…” Carney intimated that “financial …
, 9 March 2016Who Controls the Central Banks? Mark Carney, Governor of the … “Bank of Goldman Sachs” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 09 2016 Carney intimated that “financial instability” and “poor economic outcomes” are associated with the Brexit process: a rather unsubtle message to investors, brokers as well as speculators. He also warned MPs that Brexit could lead …
, 4 March 2016… dump” speculative onslaught. Who controls the central banks? Monetary policy does not serve the public interest. The article below by Washington Blog quotes three influential central bankers: Mark Carney, Meryl King and Alan Greenspan. The current governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney (image right) is a former Goldman Sachs official. He went from …
, 2 March 2016Between 2008 and 2015, central banks pretended that they had fixed the economy. In 2016, they’re starting to admit that they haven’t fixed much of anything. The current head of the Bank of England (Mark Carney) said last week: The global economy risks becoming trapped in a low growth, low inflation, low interest …
, 18 September 2015British monied interests hate Corbyn. Bank of England Governor Mark Carney disingenuously denigrated his policies, saying they’ll “hurt” poor and elderly Brits and harm the economy. Carney represents entrenched interests, enriching the few at the expense of most others, an agenda systematically thirdworldizing Britain like similar harmful US policies. Corbyn supports lifting all boats …
, 29 May 2015… all the news of corporations sitting on rapidly growing hoards of cash. The head of the Bank of England (and former head of the Bank of Canada), Mark Carney, called this “dead money,” lamenting the refusal of corporations to put their profits back to work in the economy. Madcap Buyback Binge Another explanation receiving a …
, 7 August 2013… government personnel to leave Yemen and urged all Americans in the country to follow suit. Britain also ordered its official personnel out of the country. These developments mark an escalation of the global terror alert that was announced Friday and expanded Sunday with the extension for a week of the closure of US diplomatic facilities …
, 9 January 2013… interest rates will be needed to return the market to saner levels”. For a longer lasting solution to the overheated market, Alexander said “Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney will need to hike interest rates to make borrowing more difficult and expensive. Interest rates simply cannot stay at current levels indefinitely”. Mr. Alexander’s main …
, 7 December 2012… need for a massive government bailout scheme, has propped up Canada’s reputation as competent fiscal managers. Indeed, this view more than likely played a role in the recent elevation of Bank of Canada Governor MarkCarney to the new Head of the Bank of England. It also did not hurt Canadian Prime Minister’s
, 5 December 2012The appointment of Mark Carney as next Governor of the Bank of England has been greeted with universal acclaim. In the House of Commons Ed Balls was quick to congratulate Chancellor George Osborne on his choice, and on the evening TV news both former Chancellor Alistair Darling and self-styled monetary maverick David Blanchflower were …
, 4 December 2012New Boss of the Bank of England Cannot Create Miracles. Four years after the Great Crash, UK economy falls into double-dip recession The appointment of Mark Carney – current Head of Bank of Canada – as the first non-British governor of the Bank of England in its 300-year history has received near-universal praise …
Room for improvement : government
Super imposed genocide with even less conscience than the devil we know is only worse because good people do nothing. Was Pierre Poilievre was right about Mark Carney being the Golden Boy? Of course the Liberal Party and all parties seem to be problematic in the sense that they are not nationalists, and another million miles from ultra-nationalists. Elitist and globalist? Hmmm, why not down to earth and nationalist? Eh, or Ultra-nationalist down to earth, altruistic and visionary?
We are confronted with all the things we did not vote for and all the things we don’t like, all the things super imposed upon Canada, and other European nations, ethnocentric genocide to sum it up, depopulation, de-industrialization and collusion on a global scale enabled and magnified bu foreign occupied government. Even non Canadians, non residents voted in the Liberal leadership, that is foreign occupied government, foreign interference, to say the least and anti nation state anti democratic, voting fraud, right?
Nothing like treason, high treason, genocide, crime, immorality, double agents, self aggrandizement and enrichment by the death culture, bio-terrorism, bio-weapons deployment, global warming lies and vindictive technocracy…the conscience of the Liberal Party, OK. Yes, the gold standard of the covid plandemic era of destruction and genocide, the problem is the Liberal Party has no conscience, full blast Kalergi plan, anti white to the core, genocide, anti family, anti true values. We have a long way to go, certainly political party reform for all parties is required, some parties need to cease to exist, along with all the traitors and double agents.
Mark Carney may surprise us in some ways, in other aspects, predictable, what is unknown is the cosmic joker and how Canada’s ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north will deal with all that…