Chris Wick

Are The Globalists Delusional?

Ah, the globalists, those splendid designers of the grand conspiracy that allegedly runs the world! Dressed in their secret society bathrobes, sipping champagne in covert shelters, and outlining globe dominance over a game of Monopoly– or so the conspiracy theory theorists would have us believe. Lets poke some fun to this , shall we. read…

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Canada’s enigma ultra-nationalist billionaire eliminates COVID with a tuning fork

A reclusive billionaire in Canada, known for his enigmatic reputation and immense wealth, has supposedly discovered a non-traditional method to eliminate COVID-19 a tuning fork. The story of this ultra-nationalist recluse and his alleged ability to silence the virus has captured the imagination of a country grappling with the pandemic. While some dismiss it as a fabrication, others hold onto hope that a savior has emerged. Whether truth or myth, the legend of Canada’s enigmatic billionaire and his tuning fork remains etched in whispered lore.

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