Canada’s new political mastermind group : changing the status quo of political dynamics

Is it true, You got what you voted for?

Where do we start?

Imagine the future, now, it has already happened, imagine a transformation in the political establishment, imagine something more, like nation state sovereignty and a return to nation building and our favourite, Peace, Order and Good Government. Where do we start? We start with a mastermind group, for unlimited transformation of consciousness for Canada, that not only includes the Save Canada Defend Canada, it goes beyond that. Something that we have been looking for our entire lives for some, and for others perhaps the last five long years..

The initial launch for the Pro-Canada Sovereignty

Pro-Active Policies for government & political revitalization

membership, join, contribute get involved

New political party vision


A dedicated website is under development


Discover what Peace, Order and Good Government may include


Find out who and what it is not for, you may be surprised


Find out the start of something


Pro-Active you may actually like and agree with,





Découvert Paix, Ordre et Bon Gouvernement


Découvert À qui ce n’est pas destiné 

Découvert la vie proactif, que c’est bon pour la vie


Sounds like a new political party is in the works,

a really brilliant one that makes everything else obsolete…

Nationalists and Patriots versus Globalists and Traitors

sounds like a simple plan, dynamic and maybe even invincible, certainly brilliant

Things are going to get a whole lot more exciting

let us know what you think about those policies….

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