Canada Post Employees – the technicalities of injustice & genocide

We have some really interesting events in Canada, all of which involved considerable degrees of super imposed genocide, especially relating to the so call “vaccine” super imposed vaccination demands of the government involved in treason, high treason, bio-weapons, bio-terrorism, genocide, acts of aggression and acts of war. Please review the article from Of…

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The intrigue of the 200 mpg Super Carburetor continues

Yes the technological marvel of the legendary Super Carburetor does exist. Official records have existed as early as 1922, with Canadian inventor Charles Nelson Pogue. Amazingly, experimental and advanced applied research and development has continued into the modern age, with Super Carburetor Inc. whose secret world is a long time passion of Canada’s Mystery Billionaire, the…

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Biodiesel – What’s the deal?

Goodbye fossil fuels, hello biodiesel! Although there is a lot of hype against fossil fuels, being shunned and removed from investment portfolios with suicidal thoughtless and impractical schemes, very little is said about biodiesel. You need to know that biodiesel has excellent characteristics for engine fuel, in addition to not having the typical pollutants associated…

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