Control, censorship and the information war
Many people already know that there are serious problems with big tech and social media. Many already know that may people were totally censored and deplatformed and even demonetized during the super imposed illegal Emergencies Act of the plandemic era of the so called covid. Many people now are still victim from the government treason and the bio-terrorism campaign concerning the so called “vaccine” bio-weapon. Many people already know that the virus was never isolated, and yes even Health Canada has admitted that. Amazing, What to do with all the genocide homicide maniacs hmmm? Many people do know and others do not know who was being the genocide and war of the century.
Censorship is real, it has been going on for a long time. Mass media control by a few is real, this is indisputable. Information war, that goes way beyond the Alex Jones Info War is also massive and comprehensive, along with propaganda, PsyOps, related mind control, the attacks or labelling of conspiracy theories, and the corresponding ruin of an individuals life for what? The Truth? Yes, alternative opinions also.
Please review the following:
RED ALERT! Google Announces Worldwide BAN on Independent Media From Search Results
Perhaps you would like to get rid of your gmail account, but not after you have another good email and have all your bank accounts and emails backed up and forwarded to your new account that is more Canada friendly
The mainstream official narrative, regardless of the lies and deception and manipulation is always controlled by the master, like a puppet master…may even be a narcissistic control freak….real remedies for the so called virus was totally suppressed and censored, otherwise they could never enforce the emergency act or powers and enforce their genocide by a bio-weapon>
Who owns, controls, votes, censors and edits all that social media? Ah do your research of course….
What about big Pharma, who owns and controls that? Who is that CEO? notice anything?
Or for those brave souls who are wondering what is going on in the world
Does that explain anything to you? Or do you prefer to live in denial and become extinct?
Now some people believe AI is based mostly on plagiarism, like copying and modifying human creation with digital version, changing words here and there and making it look like it created or wrote it or figured it out, but did it really? After all, if AI is simply algorithm, what does it say? How does it work? What is it based on?
Now take a good look, and maybe reconsider using or buying anything AI including the new computer or TV or services.
Elon Musk’s Grok AI says it would kill all non-[redacted] people on Earth….
You can read more amazing details here:
How much do you like “X”, Tesla Cars, Optimus robots, SpaceX
Remote control cars that can kill you, assassinate you? How about open season on Tesla cars? An IED on wheels, almost like a pager blowing up, great idea right?
How much to you like Google, Alexa, Siri or any other spying system in your house, office or vehicle?
Do you know what a national security threat may look like, other than what is know at
Whitney Webb: Why is [redacted] intelligence allowed to control American critical infrastructure and surveil and censor citizens?
excellent writing and comments and links…excellent idea to subscribe to James Hill newsletter
What about Palantir, what about Canada Eh? Hmmm interesting eh….
Electronic footprint, nobody needs to know your business
Yes it is time to reduce your electronic footprint, you will need to be careful and systematic, back up your computers, make sure you can sign in without google accounts, YouTube accounts etc et all, zero trust, go dark as spy & crime is big business, and also includes genocide and war…and yes Facebook, how many relationships has that ruined, the endless he said she said? Having the enemy know all your family and friends is not wise, knowing you like and dislikes, you have been profiled and yes addicted to Facebook. After all, you don’t need Facebook unless you really want to tell everyone in the world what is going on in your life, and the enemy especially, pretending to be your friend, social media, supposed free speech champion, great, another honey pot whether your are a nationalist, patriot, gun owner, does not matter, you are profiled and can easily be labelled anything they want…so, maybe make a tactical withdrawal, your life will be at less risk. By the way, why do so many people in government or enterprise or individual post to twitter “X” or any other media, why not official government correspondence? Official government publications and news channel. Many people are not on X, Facebook, or anything, they read newspapers and listen to radio, they like the official word, why post to an organization that is totally anti white, anti freedom of speech and someone that considers you the enemy to be spied upon, and eliminated sooner or later one way or another.
Truth is brutal eh, some people already know this, they never had a problem and never will, however, being diligent to reduce that electronic footprint is essential, with all the spying going on listening to your every work with your phone and computer or car always being on, or tracking your every internet keystroke, or everything your watch on TV, is certainly not good, you put your life and privacy at risk, and you can guarantee that there will be total chaos in the near future, as in January, the trap has been set…what will you do now, knowing what you know? This topic can be explored in much greater detail and it really is the untold truth, things that may or may not surprise you depending on who you are…save those links and distribute to everyone you know and govern yourself accordingly, as you need to know, we are at war, the enemy has declared war on us, so do not use their social media, email or communication systems, and follow up with the future article on who owns. controls. edits and censors Canadian newspapers, television and mass media, you really need to know….