Is Religious Freedom Under Threat? Examining the Arrest of a Catholic High School Student Defending His Faith

In a shocking turn of events, Canadian Catholic high school student Josh Alexander found himself at the center of controversy after being released from police custody. He was detained for bravely speaking out against transgender ideology, defending his faith, and distributing Bibles to spread the “Gospel of Christ.” This incident has ignited a passionate debate…

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Johnny Depp Announces Departure from Hollywood: Criticizes ‘Woke’ Agenda and Cancel Culture

Johnny Depp, renowned actor, and Hollywood icon, has recently made headlines by announcing his departure from the film industry. In a candid interview at the Cannes Film Festival, Depp expressed his reasons for turning his back on Hollywood’s ‘woke’ agenda and the toxic culture of canceling anyone who dares to challenge the mainstream narrative. This…

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How Can Ontario’s Catholic School Board Foster Inclusivity and Unity in Education?

At our organization, we are committed to promoting inclusivity and fostering an environment of respect within educational institutions. Today, we address an important matter concerning the resignation of a trustee from the Ontario Catholic School Board due to public outcry over her anti-Christian tweets. We believe that an open dialogue surrounding such issues is crucial…

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