More Awareness and Perspective
The idea of Canadian Sovereignty is interesting, however, some things, especially in geo-political realms is complicated.
We have had a series of governing parties aka, the government and related people who have betrayed Canada, that is relinquished Nation State Sovereignty to supra national entities, agendas and agreements. On the surface, some things seem ok, however when you have a foreign occupied government or double agents running around, there can be problems. When there is not actual nationalist in power with a really excellent depth of knowledge, awareness, perception and even wisdom, there can be other profound problems, both immediate and long term, which can be quite complicated, and in the course of events, being stuck without recourse or reasonable and relevant options to change or withdraw.
United States and the threat to Canadian Sovereignty – What Canadians need to know
check this out by by Michel Chossudovsky
Canada’s Sovereignty in Jeopardy: “51st State”,
Déjà Vu: The Militarization of North America under President Donald Trump
there is more, the brilliant perception and analysis from nearly 20 years ago
Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush’s Military Agenda?
Continental Integration of Military Command Structures: A Threat to Canada’s Sovereignty
Yes, that is all fine and dandy, except for the American illegal wars (wars not declared by Congress) such as in Ukraine, we become the enemy of Russia, whereas before we did not have a problem. Additionally, with the US involvement in the Israel genocide and destruction of Palestinians in Gaza, in consideration of the unified command and subsequently we become the enemies of all Muslims, that’s great. There are a lot of Muslims in Canada, USA and Europe, yes we know, it was planned that way, Muslims versus white people, the christians, yes we know, can’t fool us, we are the infidels and goyim subject to extermination in a war by people who are not “holy” whatsoever…
If it wasn’t for foreign occupied government in Ottawa, we wouldn’t have much of a problem, neither would we have out of control white race replacement, white genocide, the so called “vaccine” bio-weapons genocide, thanks to DARPA and WEF, WHO & UN and other American entities such as CDC NIH etc and super imposed genocide, this is nothing new, it has been proven to such an considerable extent it is mind boggling, so we see all these supranational agreements that over rule nation state sovereignty are a really big problem, in addition to all the treason, high treason, genocide, bio-terrorism with bio-weapons, the big tech, big Pharma, big social media, mass media “new” PsyOp and mind control, all in on the censorship of truth, not only distraction of utterly stupid and irrelevant things, owned, voted, controlled by enemies foreign and domestic.
Private NGO Terrorist Organizations – that means they are enemies engaged in war and genocide against us!
Even the European Union is an illegal private corporation, that over rules nation state sovereignty, amazing. The UN is not democratic, and nobody voted for that. The WEF, another private company, yet seeks to over rule the world, with the UN and WHO, another private entity and all terrorist organizations involved in genocide! With supra national agendas engaged in super imposed genocide. Here we go again. Canada gives up everything, civil rights, privacy, any kind of records, it really is amazing…while the traitors become rich by citizen disease, sickness, death and enslavement if they don’t die.
More Treason, Betrayal and Treachery
In Canada, people dream about redeveloping and rebuilding the nation dream, going beyond the dream and creating something so awesome, and yet, we have been infiltrated by double agents and foreign occupied government, private organizations like WEF, WHO, UN and others that destroy or subvert nation state sovereignty, engage in genocide and war, disease and death, endless cultural genocide and destruction, invasion, migration, immigration, race replacement and much more. Trade deals and military agenda’s with total disregard to nation state sovereignty, and governing parties which have next to zero allegiance to Canada, no shred of nationalism, not to mention ultra-nationalist, or even the most basic Made in Canada agenda, not to mention again anything even so essential with a much more Nationalist based Canadian Armed Forces, something with dignity and power, something to defend the country.
No more Peace, Order and Good Government –
only crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality, disease and death remains…
There is nothing like the feeling of being completely betrayed. It would actually be providential to really know if there was such a group of people in the military called the white hats, it would be really providential to know that in fact there is a plan to save the world, as right now it does not look good for anyone. We know about the fraudulent and perverted monarchy and government everywhere, we know about global genocide, we know about the global debt created money system and mind boggling debts, we know the solution is debt free currency, we know people that try that get killed, we know our enemies control the mass media and it is difficult to ge a word in edgewise, we know the political parties are full of traitors, engaged in treason and high treason, we have experienced he betrayal and genocide more than plenty.
Super imposed crime and destruction – tyranny and oppression against the citizen
We know what it is like to have illegal hate speech laws super imposed on us and other countries by treachery, to prevent criticism, or the truth or the facts to be known, we know. We know the religions that have declared war on us, and that any kind of abuse, crime, genocide and war is allowed and encouraged, and that those people are exempt from our laws, exempt from prosecution, and that tyranny, oppression and injustice has been super imposed on us, we know all about that too.
We know we have been divided, with stupid political parties and related imbeciles, stupid religions of mind control and even more division, yes, more division with the vaccinated by the bio-weapon versus the anti-vaxxer, yes we know that too, in addition to the traitors and globalists versus the nationalists and patriots, most people want a simple life and be left alone, but know, all the blasted computers, endless surveillance, endless profiling, endless information theft and war, yes, we know about that too.
A quick look at America
Being part of the USA will not make it better, they genocide their own people with chem trails and geo-engineering weather warfare, toxic chemicals and even more irradiation from microwave towers, 5G and endless chemical poisoning everywhere, DEW direct energy weapons and fire to incinerate everything, land theft, natural resource theft, endless perversion and immorality, endless “vaccine” bio-weapon genocide, endless propaganda PsyOps, endless war, with the total destruction of civil liberties, and the national past time of globalism and genocide….endless money printing that everyone is forced to use, with debts that are impossible to pay, it is not going to end well….there is not golden age, there is only hell on earth! What happened to America is beyond tragic, way beyond tragic, look at Europe also…and can anyone tell me, do white hat people exist? And what do the Americans do with their constitution? They can’t even recognize the real enemy, we are doomed…
Treachery, Betrayal & Treason – almost the same book with a different cover
Those issues in the supranational context are that there is a huge difference between what people say and do, what is written and agreed to, or even the secret agreements that the average person will never see the light of day. Something like that would be best represented by the super secret NAFTA and subsequent USMCA, and even the treachery and treason of the deception and manipulation of the techniques involved in separate negotiations concerning any items, unknown to the others who are negotiating something else, or locking up the contents of draft agreement, or any so called agreement, without the greater perspective. One hand does not know what the other hand is doing…
The New USMCA & Its Globalist Provisions
USMCA Boildown: Welcome To the North American Agenda 2030 Union
yes we saved all the links and web pages…
For those who read this and linked articles, you now know more than most people in government, puppets of a foreign occupied government, the juvenile delinquents that you see on TV, the traitors, who were never really Canadians to begin with, the double agents with treason and genocide as the badge of honour, yes, you know more than them…the only thing required is truth and moral courage to do something about it.
In the case at it is possible few eyes will ever see what is written here, or if translated or even read out lout who will hear it, this is the tree falling in the forest…which is too bad, even though this is a beautiful planet with and awesome creation, it has become so incredible dysfunctional, immoral, sick, polluted and uncivilized…
If you really want an education,
check out the ultimate in documentaries, your life depends on it…
Time to find out what the ultra-nationalist wizard of the great white north is up to, maybe he can fix it…