Is Resistance to LGBT Indoctrination in Canadian Schools Growing? Exploring Student Protests and Alternative Media

In a bold act of defiance, a group of students from Chêne-Bleu Secondary School in Pincourt, Quebec, recently took a stand against the perceived encroachment of the LGBT agenda within their educational institution. These young individuals cheered as one of their fellow students courageously tore down a rainbow “pride” flag, symbolizing their resistance to what…

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Maxime Bernier Slams Transgender Activism Targeting Kids in Canada

Maxime Bernier, the leader of Canada’s People’s Party, has condemned what he calls “transgender madness,” which is being aimed at children across the country. He also criticized the Conservative Party of Canada’s silence on this issue. In a newsletter sent to his supporters on April 7th, Bernier highlighted that “transgender madness” had gained momentum over…

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