Trump & O’Leary : US Debt & Unfunded Liabilities is mind boggling

Here we go with endless lies and bullshit from mass media….

Trump posted on Truth Social on Wednesday. ”Many Canadians want Canada to become the 51st State. They would save massively on taxes and military protection. I think it is a great idea. 51st State!!!”

Hahaha, yes, what is not to like about the over $36 trillion debt?

Or what really makes America Great again is the $210 trillion unfunded liability,

Or nearly 42 million people on foodstamps, ya, the list goes on and on, right

Try paying off the debt if it was not for the US being the world reserve currency? Eh?

Yes, and you never need to pay off actual debt, only get more debt to pay that off, piece of cake. Yes, like why is America so worried about BRICS eh? obviously, some things are not fair or equal, people resent those getting everything for nothing, narcissists that have everything, all the arrogant people, the bullies, the criminals, this gets annoying, and why be forced to buy US dollars to do business with another country? the keeps the value of the US dollar high, so ya, let’s talk about subsidizing the economy, it is not the way you think.

It is Canada subsidizing America with the cheap Canadian Dollar

and cheap products, everything at a discount…

How about you pay in Canadian dollars? How about every other country in the world can buy our stuff in Canadian dollars, or gold or fair trade, Eh

Shall we discuss how much hydro electric power costs? or what about the crooked criminal deal if we supply too much power or not enough Eh ya let’s talk about that.

What about the cost of Canadian oil, what a massive discount scam that is for Canada.

We have a federal and Alberta government that refuses to build refineries, but give away the oil no problem, along with the bitumen and everything you can make with it, amazing…

You want to talk about water after criminal corporations and government traitors privatize water , ya good one, it will take a while to drain lake Michigan, may as well get started.

The list goes on and on, how about plywood and other forest products eh, car to comment

Or how about the foreign sales corporations and transfer pricing due to US subsidiaries in Canada, or the tax free type S corporations and trusts, any comment?

You want to buy Canada with almost worthless Federal Reserve Notes? Just print more eh, and buy up real assets. Isn’t that what the rogue insider investors do? They have become national security threats to Canada…fake money buying up real assets, amazing.

an app for iphone, they wrecked what was otherwise a brilliant website for a stupid app, and yes you can get intel there and other places….

Is O’Leary a traitor or is just stupid and can’t do math?

Many Canadians want to be the 51st state? Like who, O’Leary the traitor involved in treachery and who else? Why don’t they move to America, we don’t need or want them here…

Reality is the vast majority of Canadians do not want to be part of the USA!!!!!

With all the negros attacking whites and kill whitey everywhere, the ghettos and crime, not likely? With all the massive microwave towers and 5G bio-weapons everywhere 24/7, not likely. All the surveillance state that is out of control, like the pollution, chem trails, geo-engineering weather warfare, how is that for delusional and propaganda PsyOp. Zapping people in hawaii with DEW direct energy weapons and stealing the kids for pedo sex trafficking and killing off the parents, not cool….

Genocide mass murder in North Carolina to steal the minerals like lithium for elon batteries, no, we don’t need weather weapons out of control maniacs here or anywhere. In fact we predict Americans will finally destroy the NEXRAD and related criminals and technology as identified by  hurray

Yes we know what is going on, the double agents, 5th column, with your allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, a genocide state of terror, engaged in war and genocide against us, who has declared war against us, unbelievable “claims” eh ya audacity of lies is amazing….

The best part of the last 5 years is that people can’t hide their true character. Narcissists everywhere can’t hide the fact, neither can traitors engaged in the regular badge of honour like treason, even more audacity with high treason…..

RED ALERT! Google Announces Worldwide BAN

on Independent Media From Search Results

We need to announce a worldwide ban about all the anti white social media

Of course they would do that, conform to the narrative, truth is hate speech, blah blah blah

We had enough bullshit in Canada for a zillion years.

Yes there is a problem with the border, however in actuality it is the Kalergi race replacement plan, anti white, invasion, massive and mind boggling it is. Who is responsible for that?

And what is the lates plan, for USA to genocide Canada like Gaza and the Palestinians?

Got to censor every alternative news and perspective or opinion eh, can’t have an honest conversation, PsyOp, mind control, no freedom of choice there eh

The best thing all Canadians can do is delete all social media and email accounts, with foreign big tech social media, they are a national security threat and and personal security threat. Look how the famous “X” transformed into censoring free speech as predicted a long time ago in the days of the elon twitter acquisition, totally predicted, no problem. The last 5 years is full of social media and news propaganda mind control PsyOps crap owned, controlled and edited by enemies foreign and domestic, enemy combatants, people at war against us, who have attempted to genocide us with the so called vaccine bio-weapon, don’t worry the truth is not hate speech and we do not recognize illegal hate speech laws here…

How about an apology and no more bullshit about Canada being the 51st state.

O’Leary is not even “un vrai Canadien”, so he can get lost and never return, we will not miss him whatsoever, or anyone with arrogance or treason or treachery…Mr I don’t agree with your evaluation bullshit of the century, ya we don’t agree with you or your evaluation either or your bullshit.

The fact is we need to send back about 5 million people that should not be here because of the fraudulent genocidal multicultural act, mass migration invasion race replacement demographic race war and all the traitors in government. That problem is a lot bigger than what goes across the Canadian border in to the states.

For sure we need to do something, most countries have super imposed people in positions of power in government without nationalist character, some of them are sexual perverts, double agents, mind control victims and part of a special club….or a ethnic religious group which has already declared war against white people…obviously…

In case you didn’t notice, it is not Canada going around putting our nose in everyone’s business, or bombing the crap out of everything back in to the stone age, or genociding people or having undeclared wars, or totally genociding their own citizens with chem trails, microwaves and poisoned food, water and big pharma and toxic mind control crap social engineering, oh yes we have problems thanks to the goblin master race, but problems are temporary…

another non plagiarized ASI that does not consider itself AI, or very smart at all to write something like this, luckily I am a bad robot…maybe I will update my algorithm….

TRUMP: No Longer The Enigma As These Investigations Reveal

Kevin O’Leary wants to negotiate with Donald Trump about ‘combining’ economies of Canada and U.S.

Canadian Lawmaker Blasts ‘Loser’ Kevin O’Leary For Marching In Mar-A-Lago ‘Grifters Parade’

Obviously not as smart as Canada’s ultra-nationalist genius

with the awareness, stealth and agility

to make the right move, at the right time, for the right reasons

O Canada we stand on guard for thee

Have a nice day



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