Is Divide and Conquer the Path to Progress or Perdition? – Politics, Strategy, Manipulation

In a world where power dynamics and manipulation reign supreme, the divide-and-conquer strategy takes center stage. But is this method truly the key to achieving success, or is it a perilous path that ultimately leads to chaos and strife? We delve into the intricacies of this strategy, dissecting its use in politics, corporate environments, and…

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Challenges and Questions Surrounding Phone Data Wiping in Freedom Convoy Trial

The trial of Freedom Convoy leaders, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, resumed last Thursday, with Justice Heather Perkins-McVey highlighting an unusual development. It came to light that two officers from the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), who had interacted with protestors, had their phone data wiped during the protests. “Lack of Responsibility in Preserving Evidence” Justice…

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