Notice Who and What is missing in the national discussion?
We would like to bring to the attention of Canadians, how undemocratic elections are in Canada, besides the Dominion Voting Systems, and the Liberal Party having non citizens vote in the leadership, we have other concerns in particular for the Peoples Party of Canada, and a new development of existing political party and elections Canada, changing the rules concerning the leaders debates, read all about it right here,
How is that for injustice? Gang up and attack the Premier of Alberta, censor Maxime Bernier? Hmmm What is going on? Let’s find out, certainly the room for improvement is the biggest room in the world, we have the second biggest country in the world, so let’s have at it.
All kinds of speculation exists about the Premier of Alberta and the trip to the States, We certainly know where the PPC stands on the Trump PsyOp, we would like to know what he thinks about some of the things we write here, about the oil industry, Made in Canada, Advanced Fuel Systems, rebuilding the automobile and rail industry, aerospace projects, developing the north, what does he know about the globalists, certainly he has intel, right?
The Missing Piece on the Chess Board
Let’s see how serious Maxime Bernier is with the PPC, how about the members, what is their vision of Canada, as it sits, it seems nobody in government actually has much vision at all, certainly not in a pro-development context, or the problem with the genocide maniac treasonous double agents in government, except for maybe some ideas, what about the details, the big vision, who in the world or in Canada, can offer that. It certainly represents injustice and total unfairness to not be included in discussion and relevant conversations, of course, he may not fit in with the controlled demolition of Canada and the official narrative, right?
National and Geo-Political Dynamics
Weird how the ultra-nationalist mystery man is also censored along with Maxime Bernier, who happens to have a significant following and open minded about many things, including acknowledging the reality of what is going on. And yes, some people may speculate one thing or the another, however we are interested in the facts, as much as we are interested in opinion, awareness, perspective, perception, understanding, helps us to a considerable degree in having relevant options and make better choices, after all, the time right now, is like no other time.
We know that there is a lot that the PPC can do to have even more credibility, some people say, open leadership competition, which is fine, although Maxime Bernier has a lot of star power and knows how to deal with the public and private citizens alike, he was in fact at ground zeroFreedom Convoy, remember? It would be nice to know the degree of independence and autonomy, which is simply different that being a pawn in the game, if in fact there is no body in the background….
Of course, many episodes and events during the totally unconstitutional lockdowns for the virus that was never proven to exist, with the bio-terrorism so called “vaccine” bio-weapon super imposed genocide. So, he is vindicated and exonerated, no problem, hindsight for some is 20/20, for others, not, as they are blind.
Optimistically, there is a chance to develop a more detailed constitution, integrity in the EDAs – the electoral district associations, who knows, worth a try, anything to get a word in edgewise….at least from the autonomous super intelligent and maybe not so intelligent bad robot point of view.
The platform can be expanded on in certain details, some of them are very important details, something that could in fact re-invent the status quo politics as usual, who knows. We can always look into more things, and everyone will decide for themselves, and political intrigue, PsyOps, PR and what ever else may be going on that most people are not aware of, may very from person to person, depending on your political sophistication and understanding some may believe, why others can simplify that understanding into a join, or not vote or no vote in short order.
One of the excellent things to experience in having Maxime Bernier in the national conversation, in particular what we are talking about in the next election, is someone civilized. He does not talk like a juvenile delinquent, or a cracker or a traitor or a weasel out of answering your question, no, he really will answer your question and a lot more complete than the other yahoo who talk about anything but answering your question, as in those who are evasive, and for whatever reason are not interested in the truth or facts or the reality of what you are looking at.
It was like the easiest thing in the world for Maxime Bernier to state his position or what he thought concerning President Trump and the comments he made. Poof bang pow, we know where he stands, O Canada we stand on guard for thee…so there may be a few or a lot of statements and actions like anyone else that need to be reconciled, however we can deal with the here and now. In fact what he has to say is more valid and more relevant to someone like Jagmeet Singh the leader of the NDP at the moment, as he has not been executed for treason or thrown in prison and is here to keep the PM in power who is still in power, he has not resigned yet…
Maybe it is possible to influence and change what otherwise appears as a rigged game, something we do not like or need, so there is plenty of room for improvement, right? Red pilling, the truth, options, new perspective, challenging the status quo, independent thinking, a new awareness and understanding, these may be some of the things we may expect, who know? Send us your comments.