Comeau Aerospace Inc. : Ultimate Flying Machine Made in Canadian Aluminum
The Ultra-nationalist visionnaire Some people have vision, extra ordinary vision, the kind that creates the future, with the ambition to creates companies, infrastructure, products, services, careers and commerce. Canada’s Ultra-nationalist visionary mind is focused with heart and soul on Comeau Aerospace Inc. Made in Canada, the nationalist way, economic nationalism, alive and well, way ahead…

A mini nuke for C-63
A mini nuke for C-63 Observations & Analysis : Observations and analysis of C-63 related to the corresponding illegal hate speech laws that represent oppression and tyranny, religious and racial acts of aggression, enemy combatants, enemies foreign and domestic, double agents engaged in treason and high treason, direct and proxy warfare and collusion with other…

February 20, 1959 to February 20, 2025 : Time travel and the Avro Arrow
CF—105 Arrow Incorporated Company Intel : History and Future We are more interested in the future, we learn from the past, we go forward with courage, we express the best of who we are, we honour history, with our resolution to succeed, to do those things that matter the most, our true values at the…

Canada’s Ultra-nationalist Vision : B301 Railroad Industry Infrastructure Program
Another point of view for the Railroad Industry and Rail Travel in Canada There is a much more awesome vision : Battlegroup 301 Incorporated – Pure magnitude & awesomeness Canada’s ultra-nationalist visionary genius of Michael Comeau Battlegroup 301 : Railroad Industry Infrastructure Program ● Investment and Acquisitions, Rail, Industries, Properties ; ● Design Engineering, Applied…

Good Dog vs Bad DOGE vs Yard DAWG
Good Dog vs Bad DOGE vs Yard DAWG Nearly 300 FAA employees were fired, hmmm ok, not much compared to the 45,000 or so that work for the FAA, right? The Good Dog is there to protect the US Constitution, what a good idea, at least if it is legit government, and not a bunch…